
Pros and cons between implant and root canal.?

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Everyone I have asked says that a root canal is better because it lets you keep the tooth. Why is that so important?




  1. begin with let me tell you that as of this time there are no test that can be done that will guarantee your body will accept a dental implant.....Implants are enjoying about a 82% success ratio nationally but, not a 100%....Since your body already has accepted the tooth, it's not likely it will attempt to get rid of it. An abscess doesn't automatically mean the body is trying to get rid of a tooth....In most cases an abscess id due to some sort of trauma that was exerted on a may be a hard bump or it may be that it's not in chewing balance or it may have no more feasible explanation than why you suddenly developed a hang nail. The good news is that when done on a timely basis, and done correctly, not only can you keep the tooth for years and years, you do so at a very large savings....The average single root Root canal will cost you about $850.00....An extraction, implant post, and crown will  cost you about $2800.00....and may not work in the long run....I vote for the RC....Good luck and I wish you well.

  2. root canal treatment (RCT) will help you salvage your natural tooth. Then you will not need an implant. But if you choose to get your tooth pulled out, you would require an artificial replacement to regain your chewing ability. In that case implant is one of the choice avaliable. Since getting an artificial replacement can never replace in toto what nature had provided you originally, it is always wiser to select RCT to save your original tooth. If RCT fails, you still have the option of implants. Implants are extremely expensive and the procedure takes 4-6 mths time to complete.

    You cannot compare implants with root canal treatment as they serve different objectives. While the former saves tooth, the later replaces missing tooth/teeth.

  3. If you don't have a root canal, you will eventually lose your tooth. It will die and need to be extracted. Then, you will have a space there...I'm not sure which tooth you are talking about but it may be very important to fill that space...most likely with an implant tooth. Implants are very expensive and may take several months to do. If you don't fill that space, your teeth can shift and become crooked.

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