
Pros and cons of a farmer?

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What are the pros and cons of being a farmer? Is it worth it?




  1. PRO:  you get to work outside all the time

    CON:  sometimes the weather sucks

    PRO:  you get to drive tractors and awesome machinery

    CON:  it may break your back

    PRO:  you can claim perpetual poverty to everybody that you don't know, even though you're driving around in a new truck, have a new tractor, always have a roof over your head and food on your plate

    CON:  sometimes you are downright poor

    PRO:  if everything goes sour (supposing that "everything" doesn't include droughts and locusts), you'll always have food to eat.  That food may also be filet mignon.

    Farmers get benefits... as long as their "significant other" works for a company that gives them!

    I'm presuming that by being a farmer you're talking about having land and running the farm, not working for another farmer.  In that case, it is possible that you get benefits, but you'd better ask before you sign on the dotted line!

  2. It is one of those things you love or you hate, no middle ground. There are too many things to consider here and everyone is different What I hold of value you may not put any value in at all. So pros and cons are just subjective and vague without your likes and dislikes considered. Some people don't like to get dirty and sweaty, don't like calloused and often chewed up hands. I don't mind. I like a nice Brooks Brothers suit, but I like other things more.

  3. I have sold frts vegs grown by the greatest south jersey farmers over 37 yrs. The north American trade agreement,has killed them. Prices are

    low, fertilizer is now over 400$ per ton.

    Twice the price last year. Everything,on

    the farm uses diesel fuel 4.00/ gal. labor mostly Mexican (very hard workers ) are being lost to higher paying co. Big money for farmers is a

    thing of the past. Younger children growing up can't make it farming. The

    price for their land is worth more , if

    they sell it to developers to build  houses.million dollar deals are reality

    Many poor growers are very rich now.

    Good bye to the song** Farm living is

    the life for me.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Grow corn for fuel!!!!

  4. PROS-You are your own boss 4 the most part, make your own time lines, its a great life.

    CONS - you are your own boss, if you cant meet timelines its your problem, sometimes u can bust a gut and get nothing for your effort, seems like sometimes you can sacrifice a lot & get screwed.

    It is worth it you can get a lot of happiness out of it if you really want to do it

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