
Pros and cons of guinea pigs?do they make good pets, why or why not?

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thinking about getting a pair, heard they are great but does anyone have any personal experience with them are they good pets?




  1. I have personal experience with guinea pigs.  I have had guinea pigs for eight years.  I have even had one who had a litter.  They make great pets.  I prefer them over some of the smaller rodents because they live longer.  While a hamster, gerbil, or rat will only live three years a guinea pig will live 5 to 8 years.  Guinea pigs are really sweet and affectionate.  I have never had one bite me.  They are very social so it is smart to get a pair.  A female pair will get along better than a male pair.  I have one of each so I cage them separately.  They are skittish and shy at first.  You just have to earn their trust.  They love to be held for hours.  The little pets will tolerate being held for a few minutes but the don't love it.  Smaller pets can be temperamental but guinea pigs have a great temperament.

  2. They don't bite. They don't smell. They aren't as quick as lightening unlike other rodents. They are the perfect size. I LOVE THEM!!!

    Honestly, get guinea pigs. You won't regret it! At first when you bring them home they WILL be shy and run away from you... but as they grow older they will squeak to you, stand still so you can pick them up and l**k your skin. I have had over 50 (hehe, they ARE addictive!) and I've NEVER been bitten by that goes to show that the other answerer who says they bite is LYING.

    I have had rats and rabbits also but they didn't beat guinea pigs. They are *hand on heart* THE best small pet.

    Hope this helped :)

  3. most are timid and run from your hand if you trie to pet it

  4. Pros-

    They are friendly

    They dont smell (if you clean their cage weekly)

    They will greet you and make adorable noises

    They will "talk" to you

    They are easy to take care of

    They dont breed like crazy

    And much more...


    They can smell if you dont clean their cage

    They require big cages

    .....I dont know of much more.

    They make awesome pets, and having two will make them awesomer! So have fun!

  5. They get really big and can smell funky. Guinea pigs and hamsters also don't breed like crazy (like mice!!) which is a great thing. I wouldn't get a pair of guinea pigs since once they grow to full size, having 1 will be enough! Guinea pigs can get very heavy when they grow up.

    Alternatively you could go for hamsters (a pair is easy to keep, and much easier than guinea pigs). They are much much smaller and remain small. They are also pets that you can move around easily (guinea pigs can get hard to play with when they grow to full size). Unlike guinea pigs, hamsters are mostly fur and almost weightless even when they are mature - you'll notice that big hamsters can go through the smallest holes because they are almost 3/4 ths fur in size!

    Guinea pigs are better for simple cages, and hamsters are better for those clear glass or plastic tanks with tunnels, minature houses and pipes everywhere, etc.

    I've had hamsters and guinea pigs and I can't remember having any problems with biting or control. I think having a hamster or guinea pig would be a great pet and be a good experience.

  6. guineas rats hamsters....all great pets.........

  7. yes because they r very fun and small and soft. i have a guinea pig and he always sleeps on my belly

  8. Don't listen to the person that said to get only one. Size is no reason to keep the animal from having same species company. You could spend hours a day with your guinea pig, and you still couldn't provide the same type of interaction that another guinea pig could.


    Very unlikely to bite.

    I didn't find them to be stinky. If you clean their cage out often, this isn't a problem.


    They make cute little noises, too.

    They live a good amount of time. 5-6 years, usually.


    I didn't find them to be too interesting.

    They didn't really crave my attention.

    Their noises could get a bit annoying, but only when they wheek really loud at 1AM because someone stirred in their beds and they thought it was a plastic bag rustling(which means VEGGGIIIESSSS!)

    They aren't simple to feed or care for. They need a variety of vegetables, hay, and high quality pelets that you might have to order online.

    They also need REALLY big cages. I'm talking 10SQFT for two guinea pigs.

    I've had guinea pigs, and honestly, I wouldn't get them again. They didn't really fit my desires, and I don't think they really cared if I paid them any attention at all. My sole purpose to them was FOOD. Other pets, like rats, however, crave your attention and will cling to the bars of the cage and beg to come out and play with you. I was lucky if my Guinea Pigs didn't run away from my hand every time I moved towards it.

  9. If you don't mind the obvious mess.  They p**p and pee without warning.  Also there is the biting.  Otherwise, they are sweet little things if you want a pet to cuddle...just watch the teeth..

  10. I love my guineas and would totally suggest that you get a couple as long as you have the time and energy to socialize them and take care of them properly. They are high maintenance animals and are not 'throw away' pets. Mine get daily floor time, weighed weekly, nails trimmed and bathed bi-weekly and their cage cleaned every three days. Add to that the vet visits (every 3 months for healthy pigs and as needed for sickly ones), cost of food (they don't just eat kibble, but need a balanced diet that includes not only proper pellets, but timothy hay, fresh fruits and green veggies) and a proper C&C cage, and you've got yourself quite an investment in time as well as money.

    It's all worth it though when your piggy gets on your lap, leans on your chest and purrs and squeaks or starts pop-corning (hopping) all over when you walk through the door after an afternoon away.

  11. I breed guinea pigs. They make good pets. Not as good as a dog or a cat of course. I keep all mine outside except when they are really young. If you do keep them inside like in your bedroom they will keep you up at night. They like to squeel. They get really attached to the person that feeds them. When ever they hear my voice they start squeeling cause they think they are getting fed. Over all they make good pet. Especially for first time pet owners. O and if you do decide to get one feed it lots of fruits and veggies they love it.

  12. Yes. I currently own 2 male Guineas, and they are absolutely wonderful. Guinea Pigs actually aren't known to bite, and are much gentler than rabbits.

    However, they DO need more maintenance than hamsters or gerbils, and also live longer. Therefore, you must be completely prepared to take care of them for their whole life, no matter what happens.

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