
Pros and cons of joining the peace corps?

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I want to become a pediatrician and am looking at th epros and cons of joining the peace corps. any help?




  1. Con: You probably will have to serve in a place with few, if any, of the modern conveniences you are used to. Maybe no electricity, no air-conditioning, etc. You may also see a lot of suffering on the part of people you're there to help.

    Pro: You'll have a reason to feel really good about yourself! You'll more than likely make a big difference in suffering people's lives. No one will ever be able to say that you didn't do your part to make the world a better place!

  2. Pro:

    You will change the world. You won't change much of if and you won't change it much, but you'll change it. You'll learn about yourself. You'll gain confidence. You'll get a view of the world. You'll make life-long friends.


    It's two years plus three months. The best time for you to go would be right after college, and you'd be a great health worker. You are already looking at 4 years of medical school, one as an intern and one to two as a resident. You'll be in your 30's before you are practicing.

    Some people have bad experiences in the Peace Corps If you get stuck in a country with a government whose main function is to line the pockets of the President for life, you won't like it. Working for corrupt officials isn't fun. (You get paid by the USA but your supervisor will, in all probability, be someone from the Health Ministry.)

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