
Pros and cons of leaving the US to Thailand. 10 points for the best advice. Thank you?

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I recently earned my Master degree. I hold a work permit (OPT) to work in the US for a year. I have over 20 jobs interview with great organizations in the US. Unfortunately, they don't hire because I am young (23), lack of experience, my visa status, and English is my second language. After 4 months of applying for jobs. I am tired and hopeless. They are some nice and rude interviewers. I hate of getting rejection letters etc.

I have been unemployed for over a month. My parent and friends asked me to go back to Thailand:

I am sure if I hang around in the US for a few months I will find a job. However, my work permit will expire in May next year! I want to work in US because I want to save some money. On the other hand, I promised my family and friends that I will go home in August. They like an idea of going back to Thailand and helping my country. I can use my Billingual skills. They claimed I will get a good job there (Not sure how true is it)




  1. At least you are getting interviews - which is more than a lot of Americans are getting. The economy here is very bad.  It sounds like you want to go home but are scared to.

  2. Second language does look good on resumes.  I am Russian living in the US, but I got citizenship and am planning to go back to Russia to work at the US Embassy in Moscow.

    Did you try to find a job in the US Embassy in Thailand?  It would save a lot of money, because Americans still pay good salary no matter where you work, but life in cheaper in Thailand.  So here is your opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.  Good luck.

  3. DEFINETLY stay here and try hard, get a job, and work for aroung 5 or so years, and then you can go back:)

    Good Luck.

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