
Pros and cons of letting my birds feathers grow

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Ive had her for nine months. I sleep with her, I feed her and I bathe with her. She can't stand being anywhere without me, screaming as soon as I leave the room. More than that, even, she can't stand being alone. She knows a few words: come, food, bath time, night night, water, her name, good baby, down, p**p and im sure a few others that I forgot to write. And she knows how to say Papa (spanish for 'food') and Mmm. Lol.

She's in the process of molting and I cant decide if I should let her wings grow out or not. The main problem isn't her flying away, its her flying away and not knowing how to come back. But i'd like to hear a few stories and some advice as to what to do. I really like the freedom that her new wings have given her, and she's still missing about five of them.

But anyways, any advice?




  1. omgosh ask a vet like way dont people do that

  2. woa. all i can say to that is woa. =] anyway, i dont think that she will hav a problem if her wings arent clipped and i think  its actually better that way because some birds can still fly with their wings clipped but not for very long. so if she flew away, she wouldnt be able to come back even if she wanted to. and as long as she is in sight of you, she wont hav a problem comming back. hope this helped! =]

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