
Pros and cons of studying abroad?

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im specially interested in south america.

thinking along the line of argentina.

is it easier to get into a University over their?

is it cheaper?

gpa wise, what would i need?




  1. I just came across this website, you may find many useful information on study abroad, hopefully may help you:


  2. look into your local college, usually the language dept. have programs set up

    and also there are lots of study abroad programs and they are pretty easy to get into if you have the $...

    also if they don't have the country you are interested in look into another univeristy or college

    even community colleges have study abroad programs.

    the pros are:

    looks fabulous on resume, and opens many doors

    for jobs

    it is fun.  and not hard.

    cons? I dont know any..

    except being away from home, and all the normal food you are used too... but they have new and yummy food everywhere you go.

    good luck.

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