What kind of society do we live in? Our county prosecuters office brought charges against an accused child molester back in 2005. The criminal was sched for a jury trial TODAY, and the prosecuters dismissed this offender without even completing their investigation. The mother of this child was never interviewed, and neither was the individual that this child disclosed this info to were interviewed. There is no doubt this child was victimized 3 years in IL between 10-13 in 2000-2003, and was solicited in MO by the same criminal at 15. Are there any good outreach programs out there for this kind of justice? One state refused to review the case, and Missouri was ready-set in the system for trial and let this guy off scott free. Then he conveniently moved to Houston Tx. This is an outrage of justice to the children in our community. There was enough evidence with witnesses to at least have this s*x offender watched with probation. Unfortunately, we will see this criminal again one day