
Prostitution,a vital service or a plague on society?

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Prostitution,a vital service or a plague on society?




  1. If the prostitute in question is choosing this profession, and is not forced into it, then it's certainly a vital service.

    Prostitution is as old as human kind. It's a market thing. People want s*x, and people sell s*x.

    I'm happy that I live in a country where prostitution, under the right circumstances, is legal. I think that there are many aspects on prostitution that are good for society. Men (and sometimes women), who can't find a (s*x-)partner, can still satisfy their needs this way. I think there would definitely be more depression and sexual violence if there was no prostitution.

    Prostitution not only offers s*x but actually also a social aspect. Many men who are lonely, come to prostitutes to let their heart out.

    Besides that, why is it wrong to have s*x with someone and ask money for that? Or to pay for it, if this is what you want? Again, if this is not forced but something a person chooses, then why should that be forbidden? It's their body, and it's pure business to them. There is nothing wrong in the agreement of "Okay, you give me money, and I will have s*x with you".

    I will never understand why people think that is wrong. If someone has many one-night stands then that's alright, but making it a business thing is wrong. I do not see the logic in that.

    Of course I am not speaking about forced prostitution. Forced prostitution is one of the worst crimes in my opinion. People who are forced to have s*x (and are thus being constantly raped)... that's pure sick and evil!

  2. Neither of the two. I see it as a force of circumstance as far as the prostitutes, and only as an available service as far as the customers are concerned.

  3. It's definitely a plague.  More people have had their lives ruined by becoming and being serviced by prostitutes than have been helped. Prostitutes have brought down governments and created broken homes. I can't see anything good coming from the profession.

  4. Prostitution is natural, it is observed in animal kingdom. I am not saying it is "not-bad" because it has been observed; just like killing and stealing, but in my perspective there is nothing wrong with it. People tend to hold negative feelings without valid reasons why, this is so because parents feed garbage without think through about the subject and blindly follow dogma and plant negative ideas in their children's malleable head, and it goes on and on.

    I would not consider it "vital" and i also would not consider it as a "plague" of society. I consider it just like any other service.  

  5. it is a vital service, becuase it would happen anyway and if it was made a recdognisable bisiness then thew prostitutes and jijilos would have more chance of bieng treated fairley and earning a fair wage. They are people too, just in reduced circumstances!

  6. When i went to Europe, i spoke to many Police Officers about the red-light district and many said that it was good because it keeps rapists off the streets - ruining other people's lives.

    So, i guess it is a vital service and a plague - whichever way you look at it.

    Its a vital service (described above) and a plague to society because it allows people to cheat on their wives and girlfriends and s***w everything up.

    But that's just my opinion.

    Great Question

  7. It's not a vital service....unless women pandering to the whims of men is a vital service? Nope, it's not. It really irks me when people have the nerve to say that it's akin to empowerment for women. How can it be? Know what's empowerment for women? Going to school, getting an education and working along side men and making the same amount of money they do. Selling your a$$ to anyone and everyone isn't empowerment. Society (not to mention the big wigs in pornography) would love to have us all believe it is but the fact remains, when women are constantly relying on their bodies to advance in the world (money-wise) it does nothing to improve our gender's standings and in fact hinders the progress. We are seen less and less for who we are as individuals and more and more for what we can do sexually. That's not empowerment in any sense of the word. It's keeping us all in the box we've been assigned to for the last however many centuries. Nevermind the fact that the bulk of prostitutes have been sexually abused and are addicted to substances...using the industry to fuel their illnesses. It may not be a plague on society, but it certainly is a plague on women in general who see no other option.  

  8. Prostitution is currently a contentious issue in India. India is estimated to have 2 million female s*x workers. According to a Human Rights Watch report, Indian anti-trafficking laws are designed to combat commercialized vice; prostitution, as such, is not illegal. Brothels are illegal de jure but in practice they are restricted in location to certain areas of any given town and thus although the profession does not have official sanction, little effort is made to stamp it out or to take action to impede it. Sonagachi in Kolkata and Kamathipura in Mumbai , G.B. Road in New Delhi, Reshampura in Gwalior and Budhwar Peth in Pune host thousands of s*x workers there and they are famous red light centres in India. Earlier there was a centre in Dalmandi in Varanasi and Naqqasa Bazaar in Saharanpur also[citation needed]. A prostitute from Haryana, Shaveta Chaudhary, allegedly has been seen in high profile parties, operating as an escort to amuse big business men and politicians.

    however, it cant be said to be a plague on society but its true that it is ruining our society and catching number of young girls in this arena.

  9. I don't think it's vital, I can live without it. But it's defiantly not a plague. If you don't wanna pay for s*x, don't.

  10. A vital service. Most of the hysteria against prostitution is the anti female stance of the establishment and especially religions.

    In cultures where prostitution has been allowed, the madams have become very powerful. The 'powers that be' do not like that.

    It is also the fears of woman insecure in their sexuality. It is noticeable that in countries where men are prostitutes also, men get upset.

  11. I can answer this from personal experience. Here is the real. I have worked with a number of prostitutes over a several year period. These women today I am proud to say continue to be my friends. Some are still using crack and are still on the curb. And it breaks my heart when I drive by. I tell her I love her and be careful. Jokingly once I said "put the game back in the box ConCon honey and put the box back on the shelve." Some of my friends are also in the rooms with me, and not on the corner. We would usually run 40+ hour shifts (I was up 8 straight days once). We did not commit other crimes, expect those related to crack itself, to avoid police attention, not that they didn't know who we were and we were occasionally stopped and searched but we did know our business. Never found even a stem. I followed all traffic laws with religiosity. But a girl will beat (trick) a trick with a quickness. Is that theft? Is that a vital service? As put by the girl who got me started in this when I could not get any more money (for crack) that day. "Let me get out and contribute something to this baby. Now, before you say anything, I know you don't want me to. But it not about s*x. It's mostly about tricking them. But it's hard for me to get a date because I've already beat most of the regulars." She nonetheless made $300-$500 a day (24 hours). Later on, another girl said, "Park here baby, I'll be right back." I didn't make her. I sure wasn't going to be able to stop her either. The only question was whether I was going to be there when she got back with the money. I was addicted to crack as she was: what do you think I did. That I am very not proud of. My job was to provide transportation, companionship, and security. Reality is though, when she got in that car, she was on her own. And rape does happen, and I don't mean just that the john didn't pay. He set a gun up on the dashboard. Trembling, she said to me, "Better me than a normal girl." Only once did I have to protect her on the set. She refused to get in a car with 3 guys, like all girls know not to do, and 2 of them got out and started beating her. I heard her screaming my name. Shots were fired. Although I fully intended to drop them at the time, it is a blessed miracle that I did not get a body or be a body. Vital service? In Winter, I was freezing to death sitting in the car. (Can't run the engine, draws attention.) She was out there freezing in 30 degree rain! My Lincoln sledded in many a blizzard, because the postal service had nothing on us. All day Sunday I'd be saying, "Baby we been running since noon Friday, let's go home." "Just one more," she would say, for about 3 to 12 more. The reason a girl can't save up her money and get a better deal on quantity is because, and I have heard the exact same thing from every girl, when she gets done doing what she does, she feels so disgusted and degraded that she has to go get high not now but right now. I absolutely do not believe that any woman does this without an addiction she is funding. Many of the johns were s*x addicts. s*x addiction funds crack addiction. Is that a vital service?

  12. It is not a 'vital'service but either a 'plague'

  13. depends on your limited perspective.

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