
Prostitution: crime or profession?

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Prostitution: crime or profession?




  1. crime - you dimwit, now don't be stupid enough to be persuaded else. use your common sense.

  2. Both.

  3. Its a crime everywhere in the US but Nevada.

  4. Hitman.... Crime or profession?

    Think I've made my point.

  5. i think that it's ok in some sence because.

    the way i see it it's better for someone to pay for it than takin someone by force for s*x. and if it was not around wud more people be taken my force?

    i don't agree with it.

  6. Profession.

  7. At present, it is a criminal profession for those individuals willingly participating in the practice - both prostitutes and their 'clients'.  

    It is my belief that it should be legalized and regulated, however, so that the government can collect taxes on the profession, and perhaps, lower the taxes on more vital services and products that the general public uses...

  8. It is a profession. I mean, they aren't hurting anyone, stealing or anything, so it isn't a crime. The only reason people have such low views about it is because that is what society has led us to believe. Besides that, it is their bodies, we have no right to judge what they do with it.

  9. Prostitution is not technically illegal in the UK but soliciting for s*x is and so are brothels. Therefore, prostitutes can trade in a grey area where they sell themselves as something else but the customers know that s*x is available. That's why you see advertisements for "escorts".

    The problem with the current law is that it is not simple. It allows criminals in, in the form of pimps and this leads to extreme exploitation of women (and men sometimes).

    I would like a simple law that explicitly outlaws street walking but allows small brothels owned cooperatively. This, I hope, would eliminate the criminal element. I do not see prostitution as a crime but as a trade. It is something that should be regulated in the main economy, not in its current place, the grey economy.

  10. it is not legitimate a profession

    enjoy !

  11. I don't think it's either, more of an occupation than a profession. Prostitution should be made legal, in safe areas away from other people and monitored closely.

    Maybe this will go some way toward getting rid of the drugs association and to help the health (and safety ) of the girls and their clients. Driving these things underground does not benefit anyone and you'll never make it go away.

  12. Isn't society going around getting in bed with everybody?  Is the crime in that there is an upfront charge?  When you go clubbing and hope to get lucky, aren't you basically doing the same thing?  Seems like the question deals more with s*x outside of marriage and involves morality more than criminal behavior.

  13. its not a crime.

    just sad.

    i wouldnt call it a profession either.

    just a sick sad last resort.

  14. It is some places a crime and sometimes looked upon by some as a 'profession'. However, I would suggest that it should first and foremost be an example of the difference between 'right' and 'wrong'.

  15. profession if they pay their taxes and there are no pimps involved gobbling up their earnings

  16. I'd say its a job.  Anything you do and get paid in essence a job.  Some are more professional then others.  Just like any other job.  The fact that its illegal is in my honest opionion kind of stupid.  Women have been prostituting for a very long time.  I am NOT saying that its not morally wrong.  If people have been doing something for thousands of years what makes the government think that by making it againts the law will stop it.  It should be legal along with everyother drug that people take.  That is any drug and every drug.  There should be proper education of everything of course so that people no what they are getting into.  People are people and will do what they feel is best for them to survive regardless of what authority says is right.  Just my two cents

  17. I think it's kind of degrading for women to be giving out s*x to random people and making money off having s*x with someone they don't really love, but it's definitely not a crime in my opinion, because they're not really hurting anybody but themselves, whereas criminals hurt people. So I'm kind of sitting on the fence here, somewhere in between.

  18. necessary evil.........?

  19. drug dealers: crime or profession..........?

    point being, there both wrong but people still do it

  20. don't think there are many women on this earth who can honestly say they have never used s*x as a tool to get what they want in some shape or form. prostitution is just another form, no matter how degrading or dangerous it is. it is the oldest proffession there is

  21. Profession.

    I don't want to be a hooker and I think it sucks as a job, but if everything's consensual, it's not within my rights to stop them.

    Please note that 'consensual' implies a transaction with mutual consent, not kidnapping Korean 12-year olds and forcing them in to prostitution but making them say 'yes' at gunpoint. Force negates consent.

  22. definately not a crime, otherwise the police would be arresting all the men (married included), as they leave the premises.

  23. it's not  a profession, it's a trade.

  24. it depends upon the situation of the lady, it should not always be crime or a profession

  25. i lived in Nevada , it is a profession that filles the collection plates on Sunday and a revenue that builds roads, schools and city and county services.

    you should know that the federal Tax service considers prostitution a business that they have them selves operated in lieu of the owners to pay back taxes and sale the business for back taxes.

  26. nothing wrong with it, we all do it all the time, we just get uncomfortable when it is blatant, hard cash in return for s*x acts.

  27. profession - giving dirty men the change to fulfill their urges and desires rather than grabbing a young girl off the street and raping her

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