
Protea's also pull out of Champs Trophy..?

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South Africa have also announced their decission to pull out of the Champs trophy next month..

And of cause they are being 'slammed' by the Pakistan Cricket Board...

My question is when are they going to call this Champions Trphy matches off?/

They are talking about either re locating it or just cancelling it all together...

I think it is too late to possibly be able to pull this tournamet off in Sri Lanka..

So what do you say?

Postpone the tour to a later date?..


Switch venues to Sri Lanka?

Here is the article just not long printed in cricinfo




  1. Yes, it should be rescheduled to a different time & a different venue. There are reports of fresh suicide bombings in North West Frontier Province (NWFP) of Pakistan. A truck loaded with bomb rammed into a police station killing 8 policemen.

    And it is high time Pakistan & Indian Cricket boards shed their intransigent attitude, and think for the greater good.

  2. nothing but a joke,why do they have to abuse and do this name calling.If Pakistan was a safe country people would want to play over there.i dont care if they play the matches in Antarctica.Anywhere is better than playing in a country that is being blown up,well a country being bombed,people being blown up.

    Nah not enough time to switch the countries neither,just call the whole thing off,it's not much of a champions trophy if all the good countries are gonna pull out.Call it the Asian cup No2(including the West Indies).

    EDIT:Melanie you seem to be contradicting your own words here,first you say -(After this whole issue Pakistan comes off as one of the most dangerous countries in the world),But then you say-( but i do recall a safe Asia Cup.)...

    How can you say you think it is going to be safe,when at the same time you are saying Pakistan is one of the most dangerous countries.Think first love,you are making a fool out of yourself.

    EDIT>Melanie i understand exactly what you are saying love,but things are as bad as the media have said it is.What can be any worse than 30+ killed and over 60 injured just the other day?Yes they had a succesful tournament over there how many months ago?Things have escalated to the extreme since the little Asia cup was played..

    Like Matt said if any more pull out then it will most probably be moved or cancelled,and i hope it is,the way you are speaking Sri Lanka dont deserve it either,h**l is Australia the only safe country.

  3. if 2-3 teams pulls out then it could shift

  4. It doesn't surprise me that they have pulled out & I expect England & NZ to follow. There is a school of thought that says the tournament should be dropped permanently, though I am not necessarily one of those who think so.The World Cup should be sufficient one would think, as the cricket calender is so full & getting worse with all this 20/20 stuff being introduced.

  5. Of course it should be relocated. The only reason the tournament is in Pakistan is because of the BCCI! Pakistan is quite dangerous and the Champs Trophy should've never been held there.

  6. I say call the whole thing off..There is no time to re-schedule the matches for Sri Lanka,and who wants to play in a country that has just had over 30 people killed and another 60+ injured?..If they postpone this tournament i can not see it going ahead any time soon.

    This is a complete joke and i say good on the South African's for taking their own lives in to account..

    I just wait to hear if England and New Zealand are also going to pull out,they are meeting tomorrow for the final decission...

    Yeah of-cause any country that pulls out is going to be called all sorts of names,i have 1 name for them too-  Smart!!...(It is what i call using your noodle)..

  7. Not surprising, but wait for the backlash from Asia if the whole shebang gets the heave-ho.

  8. It's time to put it into Sri Lanka. Cricketers don't want to die to hit a ball. They don't want to go to Pakistan and the Champions Trophy is fast becoming another version of the Asia Cup.

  9. Switch over to Sri Lanka.

    Or why not switch over to Dubai ? I can see some matches. Good idea. Isn't it ?

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