
Protection for boy and his family in case of inter caste marriage against wishes of girls parents?

by  |  earlier

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I reside in Delhi and love one girl from another state. We are planning to marry against our parents wishes. How can I protect my family against any false statements like kidnapping, extortion etc. which girl parent may put before and after our marriage.

Early reply is appreciated.




  1. You will have to run away together until things calm down.

  2. No point the court will not support you.

    1. Her family could file dowry harassment.

    2. Her Mom can file Rape against you and the male members of your family.

    3. Her sister can file harassment against you and your family.

    -- and irrespective of anything the court would support them, forget the laws the lawyers speak about.

    After a few days the girl you plan to marry will beging to miss her folks (thats nature) and the problems worser will begin then!

    Man do not ruin your life and your future its suicidal. If not for you atleast think about your family their lives will be ruined.

    For a lawyer he is always looking towards cases like yours as a scope to make money for them its not sentiments or emotions its only money and nothing other than money.

  3. The best way out for any inter-caste, inter-religious marriage is to go in for court/civil marriage under the Special Marriage Act, 1954 which is being solemnized before the Marriage officer who is high official in government of India usually of rank of Deputy Commissioner (D.C.) or Sub Divisional Magistrate (SDM). A one months prior is to given for this type of marriage by both the parties of the marriage & the marriage is solemnized after the expiry of one month notice when no objection is received by the Marriage Officer. The only objections which any one can make for this marriage is with regard to the conditions necessary for the marriage. Which are :- (a) neither party has a spouse living;

    (b) neither party is an idiot or a lunatic;

    (c) the male has completed the age of twenty-one years and the female the age of eighteen years;

    (d) the parties are not within the degrees of prohibited relationship; and

    (e) where the marriage is solemnized outside the territories to which this Act extends, both parties are citizens of India domiciled in the said territories.                                                                                                                  So when her parents get copy of this notice & come before the Marriage officer with regard to their objections with regard to different caste of both parties, their objection will be thrown down the drain by the Marriage officer. As far their objections with regard to on the basis of kidnapping or extortion etc which you presume the same result will be the result as the Marriage officer will only ask the bride if she was forced for this marriage by anyone or she is doing it with her freewill, when the bride tells that she is getting married with you with her freewill & she is of marriageable age which is more then 18years then this objection of kidnapping, extortion using force etc whatever the parents of this lady bring will be of no use. Why I always suggest every one to go in for this for of marriage is that when you secretly marry in a temple then all these false police complaints etc are filled by the parents of the bride etc but when this Civil form of marriage is performed every thing is being done in open in presence of high government official & any wrong statement/complaint made against any person before this High government official/Marriage Officer can create big problem for them for giving false information/statement to the public officer , so best is to marry her as I told you here & don't go in for temple marriage for any reasons what so ever.

    Edit: definitely both the parties have to be present before the Marriage officer at the time of giving notice for marriage. As far her stay back in Delhi after giving notice & her protection is concerned she can stay at any place other then your place so prima facie no trouble for you from any false information giving by her parents against you for any offences as she will not be found in your house by the police on search. Secondly the court will not give any such protection order in your favor as it is the statutory duty of the police to give protection to every citizen against the criminals, police is not supposed to indulge in civil matters as marriage & divorce however if any cognizable offence is committed by anyone the police is supposed to come in action & do the investigation immediately. The citizen of the country should feel protected as the rule of law is being followed in the country & no one has right to infringe in the personal life of another person just because his or her own child has run away from their home. If their child is full grown adult of marriageable age they cannot stop or force that child not to marry as it is the child's own freewill to do so. Any person who interfere in the civil marriage of two parties by stopping either to appear before the marriage officer on the date of marriage fixed by the parties will amount to illegal confinement against which not only police can be informed but even a Writ of Habeas Corpus can be filled in the High Court of the State where the person has been illegally confined or the Supreme Court of India. where the court will order immediately to produce the person in the court & will ask the victim reason for his or her illegal confinement by the accused, at that time the victim can openly declare her intentions of marriage for which her parents were stopping her by all such acts. Mind you the courts are very serious on this issue of providing protection to newly married couple who indulge in inter-caste or inter-religious marriage & the Supreme Court of India had in one of its important decision directed the local police to give full protection to such couples against anyone who ever he or she may. Keeping this in mind the local police hardly interfere in the marriage affairs of the couple who go in for inter-caste or inter-religious marriage. The purpose of going for civil marriage between is that here the government of the state of India becomes a party to such marriage by appointing one of its high official to solemnize the marriage, what else one expect from the government. What ever I state here in Yahoo is to make guys like you brave & face the world boldly, if you cannot face her parents on the question of the marriage what you will do if any enemy of the country comes before you & try to kill you or take away your valuable property from you? Will you not resist such an enemy & give that person a deserving blow? So be brave in your approach & say boldly you both are marrying with your free will & not by any force or cohesion inflicted by anyone. Build a real modern India where caste & religion of a person will be of not avail but only humanity will be of prime importance.

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