
Protein Shake Advice?

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Ok, so I have my workout planned with the intention of building muscle mass.

Now obviously the fundamentals are too eat proteins, now, obviously ideally I would like a steak and fish after each workout, but simply not poss.

So im gonna do protein shakes.

Just want to know where to get them, seen them in Argos catalogue they any good?

And if anyone can recommend any types where to buy them?

And also how many should I have per day? Well per workout day i mean, intend to workout 3 times a week so dvice?





  1. To be honest I have tried them before, in-fact, I tried the ones from Argos. The bad points about these are:

    1. Taste RANK!

    2. I was following the correct amounts for 3 months and did not gain a pound.

    3. Too much hassle!

    And there aren't any good points that I can think of. They are very powdery and have quite a bitter horrid taste. I tried different flavours so I didn't get bored of them, but in the end I was sick to my stomach from them!

    Seriously you should try other ways! Try 2 raw eggs, put them in a glass, whisk them up with a fork and neck them! (Do this twice a day, one in morning and one at about 3pm) You might think this sounds disgusting, but I preferred this after using them protein shakes.

    There are so many different ways to build up body mass, and using things like protein shakes are not the best way, and they are certainly not a quick solution, even with them, you need to be eating decent food, and the right food too! I suggest just putting together a food plan for yourself, and stick to it, get the correct vitamins and the correct foods, like carbs and protein. If your struggling with it go and see a dietitian.

    I used to be 8 and half stone, 1 year on I got up to 11 stone. I'm currently at 12 stone and I am happy with my weight, I only started to gain weight after I gave up trying to put it on, I think I used to worry about it too much. I also think it has something to do with being settled with your life, where you live, if your stable in a relationship or not, if you have a lot of stress in your life, you will struggle more to gain the weight you need.

    Long Answer but I hope it helps!

  2. Even though I think its a waste of money my hubby uses protein shake from an online company called fuelsport? I think that's what they're called, One large tub (about a months worth) is £31 with free delivery and he has one shake a day.  He's only been doing it a month and it seems to be working!  He uses the diet one though because he wants to lose weight but build up lean muscle rather than get bulky

  3. it should help

  4. It depends on the shake as to how many you have. Usually it will say on the tub. Just remember not to have too many as you may put on weight.

    Don't go for argos catalogue ones - try holland and barrett, they do some cost effective shakes that actually work pretty good.

  5. They are so much tastier and healthier if you make them at home in a blender.  Purchase some protein powder at a health food store.  Add a scoop to the blender with a cup of milk, a cup of yogurt, a banana, and frozen berries.  Blend with ice to the desired thickness.  You won't be sorry...have one a day!  If you need to lose weight, do the same thing but use a whey powder instead, along with skim milk, and fat-free yogurt.  Enjoy!
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