
Protein bar advice please?

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hi. i work out in the evenings as i want to tone my thighs.

Due to my job, i don't get a chance to exercise till after 8pm. after that its a bit late for me to prepare a meal for myself. also i dont like to eat after 7pm anyway.

could anyone please tell me the name of a good protein bar that is also low in fat, so i can eat this after my workout.




  1. I use Lean Body Gold.

    I believe there is 6g Fat.

    If your looking for protein, this is the product - 35g per bar!

    They are quite delicious as well, but aren't cheap...

  2. when I did eat protein bars I usually ate Pure Protein. they had around 6g fat, usually with 3-4g saturated. the fat count wasn't that great, but all protein bars are pretty much in that same range. if you really want a great source of protein that's low in fat calories then pure whey protein powder is the way to go. it has 130 calories, 1.5g fat and 20g protein per scoop (1 scoop = 70 cc or about 5 tbs).

  3. Hi,

    It all really comes down to tolerance of the taste of the protein bars. All of the bars in each category tend to have similar nutritional profiles. If you find that you get quite gassy, take note of the 'sugar alcohol' or 'polyol' content, as this isn't digested by the intestine, and actually causes the bacteria of the gut to release gas. I recommend sticking to a brand that uses 'real' ingredients as opposed to manufactured c**p, that leaves a really chemical like after taste. Go for 'Oh Yeah' bars by ISS research. They have just under 400kcals in them, which is a good amount after a workout, and the fats come from nuts (whcih as i'm sure you know, is a good, healthy source), they are high in fibre, and contain a nice hearty 26g protein. They are also mostly natural ingredients, so will cause little stomach upset. They also contain a good vitamin/mineral blend for optimum recovery.

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