
Protein question?

by Guest61413  |  earlier

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hi ok i just started to not eat red meat( i only eat poultry and shell food / fish) and i need to get lots of protein from othre stuff so my question is about how many grams of protein should i get a day? and wat r some good sources of protein also, i have dairy products bu't wat else is there? thx soooo much! =)




  1. u shouldnt only eat proteins because if you are overproteined, then yur body is not going to be balanced. so eat anything healthy. but if you REALLY want to build yur muscles, then i wouldnt eat red meat cuz they are not well cooked.. itz bad for u! i would eat protein shake after workout, egg whites, chicken, steak, nuts, with veggies and fruits(bananas help u build muscles)

  2. Take your weight in pounds and multiply by 0.36 to get the number of protein grams you need daily.  There is a healthy margin of error built into this calculation, so you can get by on even less.

    You don't need to get lots of protein from other stuff.  As a meat eater, you were likely getting 2-4 times the protein you needed every day, which is actually detrimental to your health.  Excess protein leaches calcium from the bones, irritates the immune system and overburdens the kidneys.

    If you're eating poultry and seafood (and presumably dairy and eggs, too) you're probably still getting more than you need.  Even vegetarians tend to get extra, just not to the extent that meat eaters do.

    It's a complete myth that plant foods are deficient in protein.  Many plant foods, on a per calorie basis fare much better than even beef.  Vegans can easily get enough protein from soybeans and soy foods (tofu, tempeh, edamame, tvp, faux meats,) beans and other legumes (lentils, peas, peanut butter, chickpeas,) whole grains, nuts, seeds, vegetables (especially dark green ones,) and mushrooms.  If we can get plenty, anyone adding animal foods on top of that can too.

  3. Why do you think you need lots of protein from other stuff?  Chances are you get too much of it as it is..most people who eat flesh do.  Most every food has protein in it.

  4. nuts

  5. another thought is this site:

    The biggest advantage of protein supplements is not that they can build more muscle than chicken or egg whites or any other whole food protein, the biggest advantage is convenience. It is easier to drink a protein shake than it is to buy, prepare, and cook whole foods. Consuming small frequent meals is the optimal way to eat, regardless if your goal is muscle gain or fat loss. To keep your body constantly in positive nitrogen balance, you should consume a complete protein every three hours. For many people, eating this often is nearly impossible. That is when a high quality protein supplement is the most helpful.

    Or this site:

    Common protein rich foods can include:

        * Milk

        * Soy Milk

        * Eggs

        * Cheese

        * Yogurt    * Peanut Butter

        * Lean Meats, Fish, and Poultry

        * Beans, Tofu, Lentils, and other Legumes

        * Grains, including bread and pasta

        * Nuts and Seeds

    Keep in mind that only about 10 to 20 percent of your calories are supposed to come from protein, with the rest coming from carbohydrates and fats.

  6. Peanut butter, beans and men.

  7. unless u weight liftin or exercising u dont need any more than 40 grams which protien shakes are good for taht fact. u dont half to eat red meat unless u wanna but protien shakes are defintley the way to go

  8. If your working out hard you should get one gram of protien per body weight per day....You can use whey protien to suplument protien needs.  Its al natural and a pure form of protien thats actually better for you then meat alone.

  9. Yogurt (low fat), lots of fresh vegetables (broccoli, carrots, spinach, etc), Kellogg's All Fiber Bran Cereal, stone ground wheat products (breads).  The amount of protein depends on your age, weight, medical problems.  A dietician at a hospital could probably give you the best information.

  10. Eveybody had good suggestions, save for one, by the way that is gross.  Nobody mentioned the Three Sisters for a complete protein.  Well they mentioned beans but that is not all. Corn, beans, and squash when eaten together or at different times during the day will give you a complete protein source.  The link below can get you started.  It is geared for children, but it is interesting.

  11. these 2 sites should answer all your questions.

  12. I amount of protein you need per day depends on your weight, age and lifestyle.  If you are still in your teens and live a fairly active lifestyle, you will have a higher Daily Recommended Intake.

    Check out this page and use it as a guideline:

    The equation they give is similar to one I learned from my university nutrition course.

    Sources of protein can also come from any legumes (beans, nuts) and especially SOY!

  13. Well the amount, I have no clue.

    Thats your own decision.

    But I'm vegetarian, I get protein from soy protein.

    EX: Boca burgers.

    Fish is always good for you.

    Protein shakes? You should try those, they're the kind wrestlers drink so they can gain weight and turn that into muscle so they can go up a level.


    hope it helps!

  14. The RDA of protein is about 45g a day. Good sources of protein are listed below;

    Chick Peas

    Baked Beans







    Check out the site below for more info!

  15. man. . .people are obsesed with protein. there´s protein in everything!! even carrots and oatmeal! beans have a ton of protein, so do nuts, soy products and legums in general. but you shouldn´t get too much protein, otherwise you can´t absorb calcium too well. the daily alowence is 5-6% of all your calories, in avarage americans get like 15-20%, and it´s not good. so don´t get too much protein.

  16. The suggested recommended amount of protein is about 1 gram per pound of body weight.

    Keep in mind that you can get plenty of protein from the poultry/fish/shellfish you are eating.  

    If you are trying to become a vegetarian and will be omitting all animal flesh from your diet, you can still consume adequate amounts of protein by eating beans, tofu, eggs and dairy (if lacto/ovo vegetarian).  

    There are plenty of vegetarian options that will provide adequate protein, but at the moment, you consume enough by eating the other types of meat.
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