
Protein supplements?

by Guest66616  |  earlier

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Ok well I'm a vegetarian and like my sister and her husband and my bf have been freaking out about my protein. I was drinking protein shakes but then I found out they make you gain wieght which I DO NOT want to happen. So is there any other way I can get protein. and don't reply as eat meat cuz thats just a waste of your time and it annoys me.




  1. I think you should read this page, it tells you what protein is, what it does for us, how much we need and where we get it from on a veggie diet.

    Protein is not an issue for veggies

    Are your sister and her husband nutritianal experts who performed tests on your body and analysed your diet ?

    Or are they just spouting out an anti-veggie myth because its easier than accepting you for who you are ?

  2. beans,nuts,legumes,cheese,milk,eggs,

  3. I love black beans. They are an awesome source of protein as well as other beans. Soy milk, and other soy products,and raw nuts(almonds are best and they have calcium too) all have protein. If you want, Milk is also vegetarian and has some protein. Just make sure the milk you put into your fridge is CERTIFIED-ORGANIC. Non-organic milk comes from unhappy,unhealthy, hormone pumped cows.

  4. try whey protein, it goes directly to your muscles so its great if your working and you dont have time to eat, and you can put it in just about anything without gaining any weight

  5. Were you diagnosed with a disease that is linked to protein deficiency?

    I seriously doubt it unless you have an eating disorder or your diet is full of nothing but processed c**p.

    Protein is easily obtained through foods such as bread, pasta, cereal, rice, beans, peas, lentils, nuts and seeds.

    ANYONE that says vegetarians are in danger of becoming protein deficient is either a liar or an idiot that needs to learn his/her limits(learn to keep their mouth shut).

  6. Beans and nuts are an excellent source of protein. If you are a lacto-vegetarian, you can get a fair amount from dairy, too, though it shouldn't be overdone.

    You might try some fake meats, too.
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