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what are the classifications of protein according to:

functions (7) of protein, shape or solubility and their Product of hydrolysis? can you give some examples of each so that i can understand...




  1. The two major classes of proteins are the fibrous proteins and the globular proteins.

    1.Fibrous proteins are structural proteins. They are very abundant in cells. Insoluble, eg collagen in tendons

    2.Globular proteins, on the other hand, far outnumber fibrous proteins. Globular proteins perform most of the chemical "work" of the cell - synthesis, transport, and catabolism. They are folded into compact structures very unlike the extended, filamentous forms of the fibrous proteins.Soluble eg enzymes.

    Classification of Proteins According to biological function.

    Type: Example:

    1.Enzymes - Catalyze biological reactions ß-galactosidase

    2.Transport and Storage -  Hemoglobin

    3.Movement -  Actin and Myosin in muscles

    4.Immune Protection  - Immunoglobulins (antibodies)

    5.Regulatory Function within cells- Transcription Factors  

    6.Hormones  - Insulin, Estrogen

    7.Structural - Collagen

    Conjugated protein is a protein that functions in interaction with other chemical groups attached by covalent bonds or by weak interactions:- Egs.-

    1.lipoproteins = + lipids, eg. HDL ,LDL in blood

    2.glycoproteins = + carbohydrate, eg. - mucin in mucous

    3.phosphoproteins = + phosphate

    4.hemoproteins = + heme, eg - haemoglobin

    5.flavoproteins = + FAD or FMN eg. in photosynthesis

    6.metalloproteins = + metal eg. nickel in urease

    7.phytochromes = + achromophore (light absorption in plants)

    8.cytochromes = + Fe++ in electron transport

    9. opsins = + vitamin A derivative in retinal cell light receptor

    10.nucleoproteins = + nucleic acid.

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