
Protestants: how many still believe in predestination?

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Protestants: how many still believe in predestination?




  1. I do.  If you think of time as a dimension, our course has already been plotted out.  If you could step outside the spacetime continuum and look down at the fabric of spacetime, you'd see the future, past, and present as if it were part of a picture.  Our perception of time as a moving point is just an illusion.  Time is a line - a dimension.

  2. with all my heart... more and more i can see the reality of it... why can't anyone else?  

  3. In John 3:16 it says 'For God so loved the WORLD, that He gave His only begotten Son, that WHOEVER believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.'  We are all predestined, just some of THE WORLD, will not make the right choice.

  4. Look up the verses that show predestination, and you have to change the meaning of the word in order to give man free will.

  5. I believe in it, going by George McFly.

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