
Protestors leave the Ministry of Justice in Kiev

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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The protesters on Sunday took the seat of Justice Ministry of Ukraine have evacuated the building during Monday afternoon after being criticized by both government and opposition, but blocked the main entrance remain the same, as reported by the promoter group Spitna sprava occupation (Common Cause) and collects local newspaper Kyiv Post.

The leader of the group that occupied the government building, Oleksandr Daniliuk has reported via his profile on the social network Facebook for the withdrawal of the Ministry of Justice but has warned that could re- occupy if Parliament on Tuesday, during the session special to discuss the political crisis, no access to the demands of the protesters and the opposition.

" If the demands to restore constitutional order, organize presidential and parliamentary elections and an end to acts of terror against the Ukrainian people are not met tomorrow [ Tuesday ], then irrumpiremos in all administrative buildings let alone entering the persons directly responsible for the lives and health of citizens, "warned Daniliuk.

Members Spilna sprava took the Ministry of Justice at 23:00 (Spanish GMT) on Sunday, provoking the ire of the owner, Olena Lukash, one of the members of the Government who is participating in the negotiations with the opposition. Lukash had threatened to impose a state of emergency in the country if the protesters did not leave the building.

The opposition had also expressed their opposition to action orchestrated by Spilna sprava. " Such actions could lead to war," he warned, told the Kyiv Post Sirotiuk Yuri, a member of the opposition party Svoboda.

 Tags: Justice, Kiev, leave, Ministry, Protestors

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