
Proud new owner of a 1972 13' Whaler. Where do I start? What kind of paper to sand it. Anxious but need help

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I am looking to restore this boat, but am brand new to it. Hull is in pretty good condition with the exception of a patch on the inside bow end. After sanding I may get patch professionally done. Not sure. What is best to use to begin the sanding process. Orbital sander? Maybe 40 grit paper? Should I sand the gel coat also? Previous owner used a rustoleum paint which is chipping and cracking all over the boat. Any responses would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Kelly




  1. Rich is right --don't start with #40= way to rough. The 220 wet and dry should do fine. A nice finishing sander is all the power equipment you will need. I've seen real nice repairs to big gashes you could not detect. Have fun with the whaler-  be prepared to get real wet.

  2. Boston whaler is a thin skin foam filled hull > so it will sand threw very quick> Using 40 grt you will see foam>

    Sanding off the old paint will be a job> So use a orbital round sander with 100 grt to remove the old paint but when it turns cream color move as that is the hull>Then sand with 320to finish> You might have to change grts as some paints don't sand well>

  3. HI , don't start with 40 that will eat away your hull really quickly, go to at least a 240 grit to start . If you can't afford a pro right away save up and let tham do the repair just shop around a bit .If you tackle it yourself ask the people at a marine shop or at your fiberglass shop they know the best way to repair your boat, and don't do hte rustoleum paint thing like the previous guy, it just ain't right.

  4. sounds like you have some work cut out fore youre self, there are exremly helpfull books on boat repare on amazon. there are a hand full of doit youre self bibles on there fore less than $40. those kinda books i would recomend fore aney boater

  5. First off NEVER remove gel-coat that is not will only have to be reapplied.

    You may want to clean the hull first to really see what is lurking behind everything.

    You have a nice boat there,don't s***w it up, the worst case sceniero is a new paint job after repairs are maid.

    The whaler dealer has matching gelcoat as well as new stickers

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