
Proud to be an American..?

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I just watch a TV (When we left earth) show on landing a man on the moon. A proud day to be an American.

I don't want this to be a political thing so..

And I know people are proud of their countries in general all the time.

When was the last time your country did something to make you proud and why.




  1. I'd just like to say that this is a great question. In fact, it is part of the challenge question that high school students have to answer to get my grandfathers scholarship.

    I am proud to be an American, because we contributed something to the world that the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna quotes as the greatest gift man could have ever given. We gave the world the constitution. It is a symbol of hope and of freedom not only to our nation, but to many others as well. I am proud to be an American because of the great outpouring of help for the flooded Northern Midwest. I have never witnessed the government and the people cooperating so well to help each other. Thank god we live in a country where the government serves the people such as our does.

  2. I am extremely proud to be an American.  I know that many Americans are turning away because of the war, but freedom isn't free.  That is how our country was founded.  We cannot give up on that.  I am proud every day to be American, to be fighting for freedom and the right things left in this world, for supporting Israel and not giving into terrorism, for standing up when the rest of the world walks out on what is right and what needs to be done.  Other countries are great as well, I love to travel and experience new cultures, but I am not proud of any other country in the entire world besides the United States of America.

  3. I would expect an answer like this from a guy named Mao.... Learn to spell.

  4. when they elected Obama as democratic canditate

  5. America makes me sick how we pollute so dang much!

  6. Staying and fighting the greatest threat yet to Western civilization and the world in general.  In World War II, we turned the other way like Europe did and look at what it took to stop Hitler.  For everyone who criticizes us for being in the Middle East right now...radical Islam is the biggest threat to world peace.  If they had the chance, those who criticize us would be the first ones killed by Islamofascists.

  7. I really love America because I have the opportunity to get higher education.

  8. every day i'm free that makes me proud

  9. I live in a Great of late things have gotten a little out of hand. Both sides of the aisle are to blame as is our President. We are great people in a great country but in ever barrel so to speak there are always going to be a few bad apple. At the core of this country this exists the best of the best...They are,  "WE THE PEOPLE"...God bless the USA.

  10. I am 80 and I have been proud of The Greatest Country IN the World for ever.  My Father came when he was 14.  His Father put him on a cattle boat to prevent him from being conscripted into the army that controlled that region of the world at that time.  He taught us to be good Citizens and love our country.  He never went back to his home country. Proud forever!!!!!!!

  11. When we attacked the Taliban in Afghanistan.

  12. tha fact that i got up today and still hav freedom, i am proud to be a american

  13. UM well i made fun of g bush so i gues sim proud that i can and russians cant.

  14. McCain said on Friday that it's tough to be proud to be American.

    What a terrible role model he is.

  15. I bieleve all people who are Americans need to be proud of it. No matter if they were born else where or whatever heritage they are. for instance irish, mexican, african, chinese,pakistan,australian,columbian, nigerian. don't matter.....

    they need to be happy but also so happy to be American.

    my country America has made me so proud since I was born here. I was born at a great hospital and school is a choice we all have as Americans

  16. I am always a proud American. Last event that comes to mind is the way Iowans and their neighbors handled the flood.

  17. I am american and i am proud to be american, I am not proud of the politics in this country, but i am proud of the fact that we have a system that takes care of the poor and needy, im sure it could be alot better, but at least it is not like some 3rd world country, where people drop off everyday because of hunger or other reasons.  America is something to be proud of..........Most of all our Freedom, because we have a freedom that noone else on this earth has.....

  18. Not proud of what its doing but I like living here my whole life.

  19. I am proud to be an American even though I disagree with most our major policies. The fact that I am not imprisoned because I can vocally disagree with my government is one of the reasons that this is the greatest countries in the world. Heres hoping it lasts.

  20. Umm the question should be.. When's the last time our country did ANYTHING right?.... Our country is power hungry and extremely stupid (just like our pres). If i could move to another country i'd do so in a heartbeat..

  21. Canada? Its nothing special but since I have to be patriotic I pertend to like it. =D GOOOO CANADA!!! we never do anything..... I like USA though.

  22. My goodness...what an excellent question! I sat and pondered that thought. I thought of good things I see people do daily...take care of someone that is a shut in, or cut the neighbors grass because he broke his leg., drive someone to the store because they have no car, buy the neighbors medication because he did not have the money, take food to someone that has a bare cupboard,take out the garbage for an elderly woman, help someone carry their groceries to the car. I see this everyday....BUT I AM SORRY TO SAY I CAN NOT THINK OF ONE THING THAT HAS MADE ME PROUD OF MY GOVERNMENT!!! I'm sorry; so very sorry; but cannot think of anything. sad.    ........................................... a minute all the Bush bashers! We as a people are America. TAKE PRIDE...HELP ONE ANOTHER ...WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?   GO DOWN POINTIONG FINGERS BECAUSE YOU WERE AFRAID TO DO SOMETHING TO MAKE AMERICANS A PROUD PEOPLE? THAT'S RIGHT ROLL OVER AND BLAME SOMEONE ELSE. ONLY YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. WE ARE KNOWN BY OUR ACTIONS. I am proud when I see people do the afore mentioned good deeds.. so in answer to your initial question...YES!

  23. Yes I am.

  24. My country came up with the Bill of Rights. This makes me proud because now I can totally get away with freedom of speech.

  25. Im DEFINITELY not proud to be an American. i hate this place. no offense. France or canada is where its at.

    oh man i also agree with willa. it is one good thing about our country is what we help other people do. one good quality still does not make me prod to be an "american" but i guess in a way it does. because i love to help others.

  26. wars to save others, its the right thing to help other people

  27. America is corrupt.  A lot of things that go on here I'm not proud of.  A lot of things going on here are stupid.

    But while comparing America to other countries, you realize how much better it is.  We're free to do what we want.  Countries around the world are worse than here, believe it or not.  I'm proud of that.

    I agree with the man above me:  how we're able to voice our opinions on what's going on.  Ahh. Sweet freedom to speak our mind.  .

  28. bush made it so we're not in ower proudest time.

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