
Prove me wrong??????

by Guest65105  |  earlier

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70% of stats are made up on the spot.




  1. yeah but approx. half the time

  2. Prove you wrong... sure.

    70% of people making gross generalisations do not study.

    Therefore the 70% figure is most probably plucked out of thin air or overheard at a party and it sounded impressive.

  3. ...71%...say wrong...

  4. Yes but only 50% of the time.

  5. Prove yourself right.

  6. yes, but that is only about half of the time, and it is only correct 10%-20% of the time. :D

    have a great day!


  7. How can it be a statistic if it is made up? Statistics need to be precise to be a statistic.

    I sure wouldn't trust any made up stats.
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