
Prove that Science is older than Technology ?

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Prove that Science is older than Technology ?




  1. Science is the rule that things follow.  Technology is built upon the previously existing things that follow the science rules.

  2. Science started with ever since the beginning of universe

    .  .   .   . Science is everything - the light, planet, gravity etc..

    .  .   .   . Science is the law of nature, nature is science

    Technology begun when man learn how to use his knowledge

    . . . example  a) when he learned how to make fire

    .  .  .   .   .   .   .b) when he learned how to use weapon to defense

  3. I think that if we look at the earliest technologies we could agree that these would have been the stone tool technologies of our hominid ancestors.  This is a technology because they are actually modifying the rock to serve a pre-conceived purpose once the process is completed that creats the tool.  At the same time we would not say that nature creates technology, yet if we look at chimpanzees they frequently pick up a stick off the ground and use it for termite fishing via a procedure which is not easily learnt.  Young chimpanzees go through a steep learning curve to master this skill through following a replicable model that was developed by the group many generations before.  Interestingly it is not an innate characteristic to do termite fishing as it is not done by every chimpanze group.  Only some groups have mastered this technique which suggests that it was developed by using a chimpanzee science of sorts.  The same could be said of our earlies ancestors... that before stone tools that their was experimentation with the varying natural articles that were already present within our environs to solve problems via a scientific method which was replicable such that it could be learnt and passed on throughout the group.  Voila, science!

  4. Science is the inquiry, why? how? etc.

    Technology is the application of the answers to that inquiry.

    Therefore, Science must precede Technology.

  5. who said science is older than technology

  6. Science is the gathering of evidence, while technology is the application of gathered evidence. Evidence can be either empirical or deduced from previous evidence. Say a chimp sees a stick used as defense & concludes it can also be used to knock down fruit.... deducted evidence. Say the chimp cuts himself with a sharp rock & concludes it will cut others, impirical evidence.  Now when he applies this evidence that he gathered, that is Technology.

  7. Science can precede technology -- but science is not the only route to technology.

    Empirical methods can also produce technology, without much (or any) understanding of why they work.

    Every technology invented before science became widely used must be older than science....

  8. The body has chemicals, the human body is a chemist creating different chemicals from the proteins, minerals, and vitamins that it recieves; but the mind of the body is the I with memory possessing all knowledge to heal and repair; the akasa of the human body is you; you are the living healing memory of intelligence, but parts of that same intelligence of the I that is you is independent, and dreams when it needs to in order to reteach or teach the knowledge that is within, the body uses chemicals to create new chemicals to, create the perfect vessel for existence for the spirit within to reside; since this intelligence was always the one called existence that we are. food is changed by the stomach so this chemistry is the work of a precise perfect chemist, only what you give you get, and what you get you give.

  9. The two go hand in hand.  Technological advances are the result of science.

  10. Technology existed prior to science because it already existed in nature. Fire, sticks and stones are among the first technologies. They already existed, we just decided to use them. You can't prove what isn't true.

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