
Prove that gcd(a,b) is the smallest positive integer that can be written as xa+yb for some x,y belong Z .?

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Prove that gcd(a,b) is the smallest positive integer that can be written as xa+yb for some x,y belong Z .?




  1. Consider the set of positive integers

    S = {z: z = ax+by; x,y ∈ Z; z > 0}

    it's not difficult to see that S is always nonempty, so it must have a minimum element m = min(S).

    Now, every common divisor of a and b divides m, so

    gcd(a,b)|m ⇒ gcd(a,b) ≤ m

    Furthermore, if m|a and m|b, then we have immediately gcd(a,b) = m.  

    Suppose then that m doesn't divide a (the argument is the same for b)then, by the division theorem:

    a = mq + r, 0 < r < m

    Then we would have:

    r = a − mq = a − (ax0 + by0)q  Ã¢Â‡Â’

    ⇒ r = a(1 − qx0) + b(−qy0)  

    So r ∈ S, which is impossible.

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