
Prove there is a God? ?

by Guest57873  |  earlier

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Can you prove there is a God without using any scripture or Biblical reference?

If you are going to type that there is no God then don't answer.




  1. Such questioning frequently leads to two major arguments; the first being the cosmological argument, or the first cause argument, which argues for a God or prime mover of the universe. There are three versions of this argument: the argument from causation, in esse, "in existence"; the argument from causation, in fieri, "pending," and the argument from contingency. The teleological argument is the second major argument which when summarized states that X (the universe) is too complex to have occurred randomly or naturally; therefore, X (the universe) must have been created by an intelligent being. That intelligent being is called God; therefore God exists. Deism has been classically defined as the theory that God created the universe but does not interfere with its internal functioning, although this is not a fundamental premise because as shown later this logically cannot be proven.

    In summary, as previously stated, that X (the natural phenomena or universe) is too complex to have occurred randomly or naturally; therefore, X must have been created by an intelligent being, therefore, it exists. All the teleological argument does is simply state the existence of a natural phenomenon, in the case of a phenomenon such as the universe, when its complexity is considered, the argument may indicate that it X was designed by an intelligent being. However, the reason for the existence of X and the nature of its designer, except for being intelligent, are not relevant to the argument. Therefore, even though the Deism may attempt to use the teleological argument like the cosmological argument to prove the existence of God both arguments fail in the same way; a creator of the universe possessing intelligence may be proven by the existence of the universe, but there is no proof that this intelligent creator is God, this latter is reasoning and/or experience--feeling it is so.

  2. Creation all around us shows us there must be a Creator.Paintings are proof of a Painter.Buildings are proof of a builder.

      Chevy's and Pontiac's are proof of GM.

  3. I don't accept the Bible in my belief system, but I accept God. My proof is obvious to me each morning as I open My eyes and behold it's marvelous creation.  

  4. Look at everything we know about because we see it. Then calculate the odds of it all just spontaneously happening. The odds are more in favor of a creator. Plus the fact that he has revealed himself to us individually who believe and trust him.  

  5. Gah I am so SICK of this question.


  7. Once I opened up my mind to the possibility of the existence of God, I analyzed both atheist and theist beliefs. The thing that directed me to the latter was the quote "Every design has a designer". With that in mind, eventually I woke up with certainty that God exists.

    these are the words of an atheist Jew that converted to Islam .

    if you saw a moving car in the desert , that is moving perfectly accurate all the way , no matter what , I don't think that you will even think that this car is moving without a driver or even without a remote control or something.

  8. You will never find God then putting conditions on it like you have a right, like a child.  And then in your own conceit whet there is no proof you can go off and exclaim it like you were the judge and jury.

  9. look at the stars at night...look at the flowers bloom in the spring..look at the fact that if we where a degree closer to the sun we'd disintegrate..a few degrees away..we'd freeze..with all this i believe..there is a God

  10. Good luck on this one!!!


  11. Can any person come up with something greater then the human form?

    Can anyone comprehend something greater than the majesty of the natural world?

    Can anyone look at Earth from space and with a straight face say  their is no God?

    From a pile of wreckage, by chance, can all the Universe  just chaotically come together?

  12. Great question!

    Something people often think about, including me. I do believe in God, however, we all know that you cannot prove God's existence, or prove that God doesn't exist.

    In truth, we all have to make a choice based on evidence. We don't have the complete picture, and we weren't there at the beginning of time, so we can only have "faith" that whatever we choose is correct.

    People that disbelieve in God, generally accept that the big bang started the universe (or a variety of big bang theory), and life evolved. However, please understand that this is a theory, and they can't prove this any more than I can prove God exists. So they have "faith" it was all started by scientific measures, and God doesn't exist.

    I look at the evidence, and believe God works through science. In my opinion, religion without science is foolish, but at the same time, science without God is also not wise.

    But the universe does have a beginning (at least according to most scientific theories). So if something has a beginning, that means it was created. If something was created, it had to have a creator.

    However, God is the only thing that was not created. You can ask what created the universe, that is a logical question (because we know it had a beginning). But asking what created God is an illogical question, since God never had a beginning. The only thing that ever was ---is God. So asking what created God is like asking how much does the color blue weigh (that is an illogical question, because blue is a color not a weight.)

    So again, there is plenty of evidence for the existence of God, and sure there is evidence for scientific theories and laws as well. But you have to look at all the evidence, and realize that you have to make a leap of faith regardless of what you believe.

    I believe God created the universe as the bible indicates. He used atoms, and the scientific laws that He created.

    It works kind of like a computer. A computer really is useless by itself. It is just a bunch of electrical parts (matter), and it uses a binary system of 1's and 0's. That is all a computer really is made of.

    However, a software writer can take those 1's and 0's and make definitions and arrange them in a way to mean something. For example, they can state that the arrangement of five 1's and six 0's equals blue. This is the basis of how computers are useful and we have webpages and software (and also why Bill gates is one rich dude).

    This is the same way with genetics. It is just a big code, right? It tells our cells what to do, and how to do it. But who wrote the code? Who said this code equals blue eyes? Who made it come alive and replicate itself? I believe it was all God.

    Great question, I think everyone also ponders it many times througout their lives! Have a great day

  13. Prove that there isn't.

    Neither side can prove nor disprove the other.  So it all comes down to one thing: what you believe.

  14. If there was no god then the man named Jesus, whom history not just the bible talks about would be the biggest liar ever!

  15. Here is an excerpt from a very complete article from see link below.  And please note... NO BIBLE VERSES!!!

    Next comes the big question: does God exist or not? If not, then you end up an atheist and a naturalist (someone who does not embrace anything supernatural or beyond this physical world and universe). While volumes have been written and debates have raged throughout history on this question, it is actually not difficult to answer. To give it proper attention, you must first ask the question: Why do we have something rather than nothing at all? In other words, how did you and everything around you get here? Jonathan Edwards, one of the great preachers of the Great Awakening, posed the answer in this way:

    Something exists.

    You don’t get something from nothing.

    Therefore, a necessary and eternal Being exists.

    You can’t deny you exist because you have to exist to deny your own existence (which is self-defeating), so the first premise above is true. No one believes you can get something from nothing (i.e. that ‘nothing’ produced the universe), so the second premise is true. Therefore, the third premise must be true—an eternal Being responsible for everything must exist.

    === For the rest of this exhaustive, logical explanation, please avail yourself of the link.

    Glad I can help... WITHOUT BIBLE VERSES!!

    Have a blessed day.

  16. Those who look for knowledge will find it.

  17. We just had a great grape harvest, so Dionysus surely is in a good mood.

  18. Yes, I can prove there is a God in way way which gives scientifically measurable results. There are laws here that govern the attributes of symbolisms and the way they effect man that could only be attributed to some force mandating it as law as their is no other logical explanation as to why these should affect ones consciousness in the manners they do. They can only be some kind of helpmeet and not some kind evolutionary event encoded in our brains, like instinctive traits.

  19. you need to have faith thats what god is a spiritual being that is their and not there all at the same time he creates assurance and is very secretive of his ways

  20. *Pre-emptive counterpoint to fundies*

    You cannot prove a negative and the burden of proof lies with the person making the claim, namely you.  Thus "Prove there is no God" is irrelevant.


  22. Proving the existence of any "god" is impossible. There just is no evidence to support it.

    BTW - this is an open forum and you have to let anybody answer. In fact, when you say that, it encourages the answers you don't want to hear.

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