
Prove to me, scientifically, that God does not exist.

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Personal disclosure: I am a Christian.

Prove to me, scientifically that God does not exist. If you can't do that, then you are basing your beliefs on faith, just like I am. I am not capable of proving, scientifically, that God does exist, so don't ask me to. I can't. I wholeheartedly admit that my belief is based completely on faith.




  1. Do you have "simple faith" in the nonexistence of uncorns, leprechauns, blue roses, square circles, Harry Potter, the Tooth Fairy, Robin Hood, Huckleberry Finn, Scarlett O'Hara, the Cyclops, Zeus, Thor, Odin, the Invisible Pink Unicorn, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Isis, Osiris, Krishna, Cthulhu, Sauron, and Aphrodite of the Nice ****? Do you really have active "simple faith" in the nonexistence of all these entities? I don't believe you. Do you consider yourself obligated to seriously consider the possible existence of any and all stupid shite that someone's imagination conjures into the discussion and come to a faith-based epistemological position on the actual existence of said shite? Again, I don't believe you. You have never, ever, seriously considered the actual existence of the great old one Nyarlathotep, and your lack of belief in his existence has nothing to do with faith. You cannot possibly tell me that you have a Nyarlathotep-based faith position. And yet you do not believe in the Crawling Chaos Nyarlathotep.

    For every fictional character ever devised, is it "simple faith" not to believe in their actual existence, or in the absence of evidence, is nonbelief in actual existence the default position?

    Belief in existence is only justified in the presence of evidence. In the absence of evidence, belief in existence is not justified. It is as easy as that.

    Added: Ah, the sweet sounds of retreat. Listen to the moving of the goal posts. At first, it was all about us both having "faith," and now it is merely about us both having chosen a philosophical position. Perhaps, but mine is an empirically justifiable position, and yours is not. I don't know what an uncorn is. Do you have a faith-based epistemological position on their existence? You'd better, because your claim is that nonbelief in things is faith. If you do not, then you are a counterexample to your own argument.

  2. Well I believe in God too, but it's a scientific standard that you can't prove a negative.  If atheists believe there is no God, they also have no proof.  For example, prove you've never robbed a bank.  You'd have to show a video of every second of your life, and then prove that those videos were not faked.  It's impossible.

  3. No kidding?  I would never have guessed from your question.  Anyway, you can't prove the nonexistence of something.  If it doesn't exist, there can be no proof.  My opinion is that the Bible tells what God did, and science tells how he did it.

  4. There is no logical reason to even try to disprove the existence of God. The problem isn't whether or not there is a God. The problem is people's need to believe that that there is. Some people need to believe in conspiracy theories, or aliens, or ESP.

    Science doesn't need to disprove the existence of God, or the myriad other illusions people chain themselves to. What science needs to do is cure people of their self-delusional tendencies.

    Replace delusion with reason, and God ceases to exist.

  5. No one can prove an unrestricted negative. I believe humans evolved from apes because on the timeline the first man evolved ans hundreds of thousands of years later was the birth of Christ.

  6. I am basing my beliefs on the evidence that the natural world provides.  Your claim that I am basing my beliefs on faith are groundless.

    The burden of proof lies with the person making the claim.  You claim there is a god.  I see no evidence of one.  Therefore, I have no reason to believe.  Your bible, rhetorical juggling, faith, and dogma do not count as evidence,  And don't EVEN try that garbage of saying non-belief is a claim that needs to be proven.

    I don't need to prove your god doesn't exist. The inability of religious fundamentalists to reveal even the smallest piece of evidence proving a god, over a period of several centuries, is an adequate basis for my non-belief.

  7. You can't prove it either way.  I am going to go ahead and say it also, " I do believe there is a God ".  I can't really commit to any set religion for my own reasons.  But I do believe in the moral fabric of goodness and giving in to a higher power.  I don't know if you have ever heard of the game " telephone " but I use it to refer to the bible.  You see, the bible may have been written by God, has rewritten it over and over again for over 2000 years.  Who is to say that man hasn't added something or taken away something or interprited it in his own way and changed it.  I do believe in the word of the bible, but only in its original context.  I think it is much better just to have a good idea about God than to throw yourself at any religion.  Some people believe in their religions so much that they would do horrible things to justify it.  The tragedy of 9/11 happened because someone believed so much in one set circumstance of their religion that thousands of people had to die because of it.  Innocent people.  I may have side tracked from your question a bit but it's just a point I like to make.  It is impossible to prove the existance of God but if you ever have studied physics you know that matter cannot be destroyed or created.  It exists in the form of mass or energy and can never be taken away.  Only transfered or transpired in other forms but never destroyed or created.  So how would this universe have ever existed if matter can't be created or destroyed?  It seems as humanity progresses more questions are raised than answers are found.  I say " God" but that is my idea.

  8. GOD exist. GOD grants my wishes well as far as i can think

  9. The dictionary completely proves you wrong.

    faith - "belief that is not based on proof"

    atheist - "a person who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being or beings."

    disbelief - "the inability or refusal to believe or to accept something as true."

    All definitions are from

    Atheism, per the definition of the word, is a lack of belief.  I.e. atheism requires no faith.

  10. I could also believe magical unicorns live in the center of the sun... prove me wrong.

    One cannot say something must exist because there is no proof it doesn't...

    "Theres invisible ninja monkeys on your roof!"

    I don't expect everyone on Earth to prove this wrong, everyone expects me to prove this myself.

    You are probably just upset because some atheists razz you about your belief... which isn't very nice. But Christians do act illogically. I don't believe in God because I have a magic phone book that has the number of every thing in the universe and God isn't in it. I don't believe because there is not enough evidence supporting the existence of an all powerful sentient being that created the universe. I base my beliefs on testable facts (science) and as such all my beliefs are open to change with new information, most Christians don't... The only possible way I can understand a sane logical person would believe in God is if they feel God or something as there is no evidence to God's existence and you can't expect to be taken seriously by saying everyone else is wrong because your feelings should be taken more seriously than every observation ever made.

    "Prove gnomes don't live in the Earth's mantle"

    "Prove aliens don't have their mothership parked behind Jupiter"

    "Prove to me evil Lord Xenu didn't create all the bad feelings mankind has"

    You see what I mean right?

    The burden of evidence lies on the person making the claim.

  11. I cant, Sorry!

  12. I can tell you that it is foolish to think that there could be a planet Earth with light and day and night and vegetation prior to the existence of stars - and you will say "No, God did it that way." I can say that for the Sun to stop in the sky during the Battle of Jericho would violate all the laws of physics, and you will say "God can do that - I don't know how, but He can." It is impossible to argue with someone who thinks that his side of the argument can violate all the rules because what counts is faith, not logic. The existence or non-existence of God is not the point - that is an impossible argument. What is the point is your position as a Christian that you understand it based on your scriptures and that I do not. The truth is that you do not understand it any better than I do. You just think you do.

    ADDED: So your faith is limited to the belief that God exists? I am skeptical of that statement. What are the properties and characteristics of your belief? What are those properties based on? Are you saying that there is no connection to scripture? You say that you know no more about it than I do. And I admit that I know nothing. So I guess you know nothing. You just believe. And that belief does not include Genesis? Or does it?

    You see, you cannot have it both ways. If you believe, then you should have the courage of your convictions to say what you believe. If it's only that God exists, then I have no reason or basis to disagree with you. But if that was your position, I sincerely doubt that you would have asked the question in the first place. You berate scientists who cannot prove a negative - that is just simple logic, in which you may have no training. And yet you pretend to be a quasi - Deist and at the same time be a Christian. The  evidence that you ask for cannot be provided if you do not agree that it applies to anything specific.

    ADDED (2): In other words, which God must evidence be provided for or against? Shiva? Buddha? Muhammed? the Biblical God of Creation? If it is the latter (as I suspect it is in your case, although you will not admit it) - then you cannot weasel out of arguments that include the specific definition of that God. If, on the other hand, you have a very fuzzy concept of God as something that you cannot define, then no specific discussion can take place and the question quickly becomes vague and sort of pointless.

  13. wow your a genius, did you think of that all by yourself?

    We all know there is no evidence of the non existence of God. Even so prove to me, that an invisible flying ice cream truck that circles around the world doesn't exist. We just know there isn't one out there. Its not based on faith its merely assumption on common sense.

    I personally do believe in God, but this is a stupid question, with no significance, that your just throwing out at atheists.

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