
Prove to me God doesn't exist?

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all the atheist say that he doesnt

i ask why and they say because he doesnt

well prove since you guys love science so much tell me

please give me 1 fact. Yes FACT that proves he doesnt exist.

You guys say God is a farytale? and a big bang is realistic?

you guys swear you have all the answers but wont answer none of the questions

you just use stupid answers like "drink, because he doesnt."

coneon now

amuse me please




  1. The argument goes like this : "I refuse to prove that I exist", says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."

    "But", says Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway isn't it? it could not have evolved by chance. it proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own arguments, you don't. QED."

    "Oh dear", says God, "I hadn't thought of that," and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic.

  2. wow

    you sound really upset.

    cool it.

    you cannot "prove" whether God exists or not.

    you can choose whether to BELIEVE if God exists or not.

    and also, your viewpoint is extremely narrow minded.

    open up a little.

    and i am not doing this to amuse you. i am doing this so you can see another viewpoint.

    and in case you didn't catch it.

    FACT: There is no way to prove that God does OR doesn't exist.

    science cannot prove religion, and religion cannot prove science.

    and if you disagree with that, then please give me one fact that proves God exists.

  3. whoa! SGT C just got in trouble for making a generalization and here a christian goes doing it when a whole bunch of people just jumped on his case...sounds a little hypocritical doesn't it? So are you saying every atheist loves science? I'm sure there are a few who don't, have you met them all?

    As for amusement, isn't the fact that many christians are hypocritical fence sitters amusing enough? I love the Sunday know the ones that are holy rollers one day of the week, then the rest of the time they sinsinsin.  but here people like Sgt.C and I are considered h**l bound?  At least I stand for my convictions and live for them everyday.

  4. Obviously, you are devoutly faithful.  I could prove to you 10 times over, and you would still deny the truth.  

    Here is the catch: while no atheist can give you facts that prove the non-existence of god, no christian can give me facts tha prove he does exist.  

    So, please amuse me, and give me ONE fact that god does exist.

    For the record- I am not here to mock you.  If you want to believe, fine.  You should respect my beliefs, and I should do the same for you.  I never said I had all the answers- you are making a harsh generalization.  I personally don't believe in the big-bang theory anymore than I believe that a spirit breathed life into the world in 6 days.

  5. to say that God exists is as much of a leap of faith as saying that God doesn't. live your life. I'll live mine. By the way, very Christian of you to mock and judge.....

  6. If a God were to exist, he would be more thorough.

    Half of his 'holy book' isn't used [and don't you dare tell me that you follow the old testament because I KNOW you've had pork before] while the other half is picked apart, taken out of context, and is discriminate towards I don't know...everyone?

    Do you believe in dinosaurs, my friend? Of course you do. Now tell me where in the bible it talks about Dinosaurs.

    Do you think that someone should be mauled by bears for having picked on an old man? Then why is it in the bible?

    Have you ever heard God talk to you?

    Why would an all-loving God kill innocent people? [The Story of Job]

    So God's omnipresent, right? So what is evil? If it's the lack of God then how is that even possible? If God created everything, why would he create evil?

    Does any of this make sense to you?! It didn't to me.

  7. Prove to me that leprechuans don't exist. You can't, can you? Know why? Because you can't prove a negative. Your argument is ignorant and illogical.

    The complete lack of empirical evidence to support the existence of god constitutes more than sufficient evidence to support non-belief.

  8. With all due respect to Gemma, it is logically impossible to prove a negative.  The only way to prove that something doesn't exist would be to search every nook and cranny of the Cosmos.

    In any case, the burden of proof always falls onto the shoulders of those who are making the positive assertive.  If they say something exists, it is up to them to prove their assertion.  In the absence of proof of the existence of God, there is nothing for atheists to prove.

  9. Capital 'G' so I assume you mean the christian god.

    Omnipotence, omnibenevolence, and omniscience results in internal contradictions. A being can not have all three properties at once (like being round and square), and at the same time allow for the existence of h**l and free-will for his creations.

    Therefore 'God' does not exist.

    "and a big bang is realistic?"

    Certainly, because there is incontravertible evidence. In particular Cosmic Microwave Background radiation and the fact the the universe is expanding and cooling. Both suggest a very violent, hot, and condensed early existence for the universe.

    P.s. I don't say god does not exist, I say I don't believe in god.

  10. do you realize that many people waste their ENTIRE lives worshipping and sacrificing for something that doesn't exist. In reality that's like me saying i worship unicorns and pay to have a chapel for one. Thats just as ridiculous as what you are doing. People who believe in god are people who just cant accept the fact that they dont have someone wathcing over them and protecting them. I hope you realize the truth.

  11. I'm agnostic. I'm not going to waste my time trying to prove something wrong that will NEVER be proven wrong or right.

    You shouldn't waist your time provoking those who do want to waste their time arguing about an unsolvable issue.

    In the end, science doesn't even matter. People are going to believe what they want to believe, regardless of the evidence placed in front of them. Let them. It doesn't effect you.

    Live your life the way that you feel is right.  

  12. Prove to me that God is real?

    Prove me to that Santa isn't real?

    I would say that prov is that we get molars? cant spell the teeth that when they come through need to be pulled .

    and the appendix'.

  13. prove to me unicorns don't exist. you can't, just like I can't prove god doesn't. It is highly unlikely that he does though. I don't believe in magic men in the sky. That is so stupid!

  14. Call God right now. Did God respond in any way at all? Did God make any attempt in the smallest tangible way to let you know that you've been heard? Well then, there's your proof. There is no God.

  15. The onus is on you. I've just decided not to take on beliefs that have poor founding, do you have the courage to do the same? Will you question the "unquestionables"?

  16. what are you crying about?  give this up would ya?  no one can prove God exists no more than proving God does not exist.  It is not based on proof anyway!  It is based on individual knowledge.  I say God exists because bla bla bla and someone else says God does not exist because of la la la ok now where are we?  what is there to prove anyway?  I say that I have proved this useless and a waste of time.  

    what does it matter what any one believes anyway am I going to help you in the end?   no I will be trying to save myself... will you help me?  no you will be trying to save yourself... so what?  get over the fact that others think differently than you.  no one has all the answers and everyone knows that or they wouldnt be here!  

    no please amuse me more!

    get a relationship!

  17. - God is said to be all-good, all-knowing, all-powerful

    - and evil exists.

    - If god doesn't know about evil he is not all-knowing.

    - if he knows about evil but cannot stop it, he is not all-powerful

    - if he knows about evil and he can stop it but doesn't, he is not all-good.

    QED: God does not exist.

    Apologists have spent centuries trying to explain this "Problem of Evil" but every single one of those explanations have been refuted and the conclusion holds good - God does not exist.

  18.   If you truly knew God existed and knew His truth, you would not concern yourself with what atheists believe.  .God gave all free  will..Begin thinking for yourself and not as you have been told to think,   by reading the Conversations with God books by Neale Donald Walsch...Get a copy at your library,,  God bless

  19. Hmm very intelligient question.

    ok go to and it might just might help you find that answer

    and there is no prove, its not possible to really prove that there isnt a God, but there are however ways to deduce answers about the Bible, Creation story, Jesus that all do not really make sense. Evolution is real accept it, look up the Theory of Natural Selection and you can try and understand it if you think you can.

    You can not ask any other person to Prove there belief when you also have no real Proof, that is in fact the most arrogant question I have ever been asked. Please give me one single thing that merits as remotely possibly being Proof that God exists...Please

  20. Bad logic detected.

    It's not really possible to prove the "Absence" of something. That's why in a court of law, the accused is considered innocent till proven guilt, and the onus of proof is on the prosecution. Because, let's face it, how could you possibly prove you DIDN'T commit a crime. It would be almost impossible.

    But if the prosecution couldn't come up with ANY genuine evidence whatsoever to indicate guilt, it's a pretty good bet that the defendant is innocent.

    So since no evidence exists to prove there is a God, it's a pretty decent bet (at least 50/50) that there isn't

  21. Gelatin, christians don't believe in Saturn!  -- astronomy is part of the evil sciences! ( i know what you meant, but the pun was there )

    Gemma, no you can't, not according to logic, which is what many atheists use in their arguments, unfortunately.

    Now on to my answer:

    There is more evidence to support the existence of a flying spaghetti monster creating the universe than your God.  It isn't necessary to prove him to be false, only to observe that he has no effect on our world whatsoever, in order to dismiss him as imaginary.  What would be the point of worshiping an ineffectual deity anyway?

  22. you guys are SO FUNNY. :)

    God does exist.


    for everything you see, there has to be someone who placed or created it. the whole 'big bang theory is wacked up. how can there be a 'big bang' if no one was there to create it. and i know you guys are thinking.... 'well, who created God??' God has always been there. He was here yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

    whoo! now who wants some ice cream?

  23. Prove to me that Harry the tiny, mystical Unicorn doesn't live in your hair.

    The big bang is more realistic than God. Bodies in space are moving away from each other in a way that would be caused by something like the big bang. But guess what? Scientists still consider it a THEORY. No one is saying that it's fact. You don't consider God a theory.

    I happen to be a firm believer in the Flying Spaghetti Monster and I believe that he should be included in our children's education because the basis for my religion is just as sound, if not more sound, than the basis for your religion.

    People that lived back when Christianity existed also believed that the world was flat. How credible should you really consider a book written by them?

    Oh and people who keep saying that evil exists- God supposedly decided to give us free will and said he would not interfere in our lives. But for some reason these smart people that believe in God still pray to him that things will be okay and thank him when things go well even though he said he wouldn't interfere in our lives. Smart people...

    The bible has been proven wrong many times. We can't sell our daughters into slavery but it says it's okay. We've never found Noah's Ark.

  24. Since Man has created many gods in ancient times and then just discarded them and nothing wrong happened to the world, any new God is most probably a man's invention. Science works with probabilities and according to it the probability of an existing god is so low that it can be nullified.

    Logical proof

  25. wow... when i look at all these people that don't believe in god?? I'm crushed. Well i know that its there belief. But it makes me sad knowing that he created them and yet they don'tt believe in him. Itruly LOVE God and will sacrifice anything in the world for him!! PRAISE THE LORD! =]

  26. Atheists believe what they believe because they choose to. Granted, neither group can PROVE to the other that he does or does not exist.


    There are signs everywhere that God does exist, but some like to stubbornly ignore them, others just don't believe them cos they need more material proof.

    Do you think God doesn't know the world cant visibly see him? That's why he wants ppls FAITH. No atheist can say and back up that God doesnt exist, its always shrouded in personal speculation, whereas no Christian can say and logically back up that he does.

    It depends heavily on self experience. I do know one thing however.

    WE ARE ALL HUMAN BEINGS. Stop judging and arguing wit ppl if they dont think like you. Im sick of Christians and Atheists arguing all the time!

    I'm a Christian, but in our own Holy Book it says that not every1 will believe. JESUS, said it. Accept it and grow up. Everyone. Me included.

  27. Learn to spell first.

    And we have no proof that he doesn't exist. You can't prove a negative.

    Though modern science has made discoveries that contradict the bible. There is proof of Evolution and the world being over 6000 years old. Plus where did the water from the flood go? What about animals that have to love in certain weather conditions? How did it rain THAT much in 40 days? Its impossible. There is proof that a lot of the stories in the bible are false!

    But you can't prove God doesn't exist. We just don't believe there is. Can you prove he does exist?

  28. I can not prove a negitive, it is logicaly impossible.

    But the burden of proof is on YOU. Notice that you can not disprove the IPU or the FSM

  29. John 14:14 Says that anything you ask of him, he will give it to you.  All you have to do is ask that all atheists become believers (he wills that all men come to him), and there shouldn't be an atheist left on the planet.  I'll wait to see how it goes.

  30. You cannot prove a negative.  The burden of proof lies on the shoulders of the individual making the claims of the existence of the christian god.  That will never change.

    Get an education.  Learn how to spell; how to properly compose a sentence and proper usage of punctuation and grammar skills.  Take some classes at the local community college on debate and argument and do everything you can to improve your critical thinking skills.

    And yes "a big bang" is realistic.  We see the nature of it in the collapse of black holes.  We can observe the results of it in the expansion of the universe.

    >>>  Gemma,

    You can not prove a negative.  It is impossible because it is impossible to rule out every possible variable.  You can rule out a hypothesis and therefore make a negative statement out of that hypothesis because it failed to hold up to testing.  You can even, eventually, rule out a theory and turn that into a negative statement.  But you cannot prove a negative because it is impossible to rule out every possible variable.  <<<

  31. which god? why don't you believe in saturn? why don't you believe in mithras?

    what separates these gods from your personal idea of the god that you believe exists?

    nothing, thats right, but I don't hear you calling for proof that they don't exist.

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