
Prove to me that global warming is true! The trick is use these two data points?

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Now I WILL NOT ACCEPT any data that does not use these two sources’. They are completely unbiased and have had no human encroachment for the since 1977. Now if global warming is true then these two sites will show a statically changed in the past 30 years! They are not glamorous sites nor have they been put in place by any one group. They have saved more lives than any and all eco groups combined with their data and are from my viewpoint the true front line in monitoring our weather.

Now if you are ready for the challenge here they are

This is buoy Station 46006 - SE PAPA - 600NM West of Eureka, CA

is buoy Station 51002 - SW HAWAII 215 NM South SouthWest of Hilo, HI

Both have been working for the past 30 years in the same spot +/- 10NM

The reason why I choose these two is because of their long lifespan and the fact that they will be both replaced around the same time. It is up to you to crunch the data. Figure in the effects of any ‘La Nina’ type weather and prove that the planet has significantly warmed in the past 30 years.

Good Luck!




  1. Your question has already been answered as the data from these buoy's and the many more that NOAA operate is part of the average global temperature record, that is part of the global warming theory.

    I would have thought if you "work with the data daily" you should know that already

  2. Wow. You're saying you can get an accurate picture of global temperatures from *2* stations? Are you serious? And you really do work with temperature data every day? Somehow I doubt that. I doubt it very much.

  3. Your question apart from being silly is flawed from the start as Station 46006 was re-deployed in Aug 2007 and failed in Dec 2007. I'm not sure what you mean by 'human encroachment' as all NOAA buoy's are serviced at least every couple of years.

    They state on their own site that at most these buoy's last at best ,about 10 years before failing.

    NOAA also use satellite temp data these collect temp in 1.2km blocks that is millions of data points per orbit.

    Bob is correct you can do nothing with 2 data points this is why they have several thousand buoys deployed around the world  their own Pacific & Atlantic ports and a fleet of 19 ships

  4. you're kidding, right?

    is this a homework problem that you want to con someone else into doing for you?

    or are you a denier, who  (A) will not accept any answer, or  (B) wants to see how much work you can con someone else into doing for which there will be no benefit at all?

  5. You can't prove anything with two data points.  It's scientifically flat wrong.  No scientist would accept your premise.

    Here's the data from hundreds of stations all around the world.

    discussed in detail, with confirmation, at:

    Yup, we're warming.

  6. Impossible.  It's called global warming, not California and Hawaii warming.

    Here is your proof that global warming is true, using thousands of data points.

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