
Prove to me that god isn't real.?

by Guest33269  |  earlier

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I want to know people's opinions on this topic. I want your opinion on why you think god is not real. This is not intended to offend anyone.




  1. You cannot show proof of something that does not exist.  It is the believers job to prove that said thing does exist.

  2. Because there have been Gods since man could talk. And I don't think you feel it's rational to believe in the sun God Ra or Zeus or any other Gods that predated Christianity. Christianity was clearly based on the earlier myths and copied all of the popular miracles supposedly done by earlier salvation God myths.

    There is absolutely zero evidence that any particular God exists. Nothing supernatural has ever happened. Just because many can be fooled does not make it true.

  3. Just take a look around... prove it to yourself.

  4. With no evidence or proof of invisible pink unicorns, would you still believe they exist on faith alone?

    Now replace "invisible pink unicorns" with god....

  5. 'god needs no creation because he created' sounds like the blokes who made the stories up, didn't know what to write there!

    cant give any proof to whether god is real or not. but i personally choose not to believe, because of things like this that is written in the bible. just doesn't make sense

  6. They can't, because He IS real.

  7. Which god?  I've demanded audiences with dozens, and none will appear.  My only conclusion is that gods are as real as leprechauns, fairies and unicorns.  I don't think it's unreasonable to require real evidence for things people claim are real.

  8. Search bar is your friend young grasshopper.

  9. Forget offending them! They bash God nightly, They can't prove that he is not real, Bottom line. Let them believe what they want to believe,they will all find out. It's all in FAITH. You,nor i have to answer to any of these people. All their theories don't mean squat.

  10. Extaordinary claims demand extraordinary answers.I think it is up to the believer to come up with some evidence.Atheist dont claim something unseen,unheard,unfelt,unproven is real.Religious people do.Tell me why you dont beleive in every other religion and those are the same reasons I dont beleive in yours.

  11. How would I go about doing that, hmm?

    Can you prove that leprachauns don't exist?

  12. 2,000 years of AbZero objective evidence for any fictional sky pixie.

    Well, That About Wraps It Up For God - Douglas Adams.  

  13. Prove to me that God is real.

  14. I think that God as described in the Bible is not real.  I believe that God is love, and love certainly is real.

    If you read 'The Cloud of Unknowing,' which is a well-known book in theological circles, a work of medieval Catholic mysticism, it states that the only way to come close to understanding God is through love.

    That simple statement drew me back from agnosticism because, for the first time, God made sense to me.

    This, however, does not constitute proof of God's existence in any way; it is simply my perception.

  15. Okay, but you have to prove to me that the Invisible Fire-breathing dragon I have living in my garage doesn't p**p out marshmallows first!

  16. You can't prove a negative. I can not prove to you that the celestial teapot doesn't exist. The burden of proof is on the claimer.

    You see the claimers are the one who defines god, they are the one who describes what a god is and isn't.

    X doesn't exist is a negative claim. Therefore it can not be proven, however it doesn't mean X automatically exists.

  17. Which god are you talking about? There are so many. Do you believe in them all, or did you flip a coin and base your life on the outcome?

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