
Prove to me that your god exists?

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this is gonna be funn...............and.....................





  1. okay. first of all. christians.

    for one, if you really truly honestly believed that your christian God was up there, and that he guided and gave us life, then you WOULD NOT care if anyone else thought that. religion should not be what the churches have made it. religion is a personal or family belief of some entity or spirit that we live our life by. it is NOT something to press on others and force them to believe. secondly, i hope you all don't really go by the new bibles that come out printed in their fancy jacked up covers. do you know how many times that thing has been rewritten? and most likely because the christians were guilty of breaking the "ten commandments" or whatever the h**l they are, or because people just didn't understand it! give me a break. if you read that and follow that word for word and phrase for phrase, congratulations, you are just as much of a sucker as the people who believe the celebrity drama on tv and in magazines. why the h**l do you think they cost $40-ungodly amounts of dollars? if you REALLY wanted some christian spiritual guidance, why don't you take a trip down to the mediterranean (because yes, that is where it started, AS A JEWISH RELIGION as i learned on wikipedia, might be handy to some of you) or to rome, or israel, or wherever, to get some first person hands on religious experience. in the meantime, have fun reading your religious tabloids. because that is, in essence, what it is.

    now for the question asked in the first place. why is it so important to you that christians, or any other religion, prove that their god exists? are you so uncertain and uncomfortable with your own religion that you have to move on to bashing others? in fact, i'm gonna turn it around on you, i'd like to see YOU prove that valhalla and odin and thor exist. try that okay? then get back to me. it's incredibly hypocritical and biased of you to believe so strongly in your faith, yet laugh and insult others. all religion is and ever has been is stories passed down to be told through families and cultures. no, it is not necessarily true. christianity isn't necessarily true, and norse paganism is not necessarily true. if you did indeed know something about other religions, which i highly doubt you do, then you would recognize a pattern. this pattern is of mindless followers numbly doing what words on paper tell them to do. why don't you be a little more open minded, less ignorant, and do some research.

    a last note. i am against no religion in truth. if you want to have a faith in something, go for it. but putting out ridiculously ignorant and stupid questions like this one is just going too far. the english speaking world has been run on christian laws for a very, very long time. every christian zealot nowadays is most likely backed by money however. to be honest, i don't believe that god created humans and whatnot, because there is scientific evidence against it. but guys, come on, it's great that you support your religion so much, but if you have to argue people for it, what's the point? YOU be happy with YOURSELF, i don't see why you should care a single thing about what anyone else believes or thinks. your bible must say that somewhere. so next time one of you wants to put up a dumbass question like this, do yourself a favour and think about it first.

    and before you respond to a question like this, think about your answers. the "mindless" part of my answer comes from a lot of the christians' responses on here.


    p.s. i'm sure it was too long for you timmy! too much for you to handle and comprehend? that's what i thought.

    btw, the poster of this question believes in norse paganism, hence the reference to odin, thor, and valhalla. thought you should all know.

  2. sure ...if you will take the time to read this.......

    Besides all of creation that surrounds you....

    If you have read the Bible.....

    You will know that everything that God said would happen....has happened

    everything that God said will happening right now

    and you can bet that everything God says will happen in the going to happen!

    its all in the Bible....its Gods it for yourself!

    Praise be to our Father who is in Heaven!

    with love...."D"

  3. why mmmyes. now that is a question, indeed.

    well my god is money!

    just one look at how fancy I am proves his existence.

  4. Prove? All I can say is that I believe in my God much like everyone does there own.

    "Proof" can only be seen on an individual level. Most likely, like someone else's religion, my personal belief comes from a text, which I revere as holy, and my own belief in it. Your beliefs come from some text of its own and your belief in it.

    So really, its possible to argue the matter to any end. Most of the time, in the end you will only end up satisfying your own means of "proof", while naturally, the opposition will believe their own. Like most things, it takes seeing something physically for humans to be able to agree on it. When that happens well, then maybe a discussion like this would reach a conclusion.

  5. Its good to be skeptical!

    Where does your thought come from?  

  6. Dumb question/statement. If you don't believe or have any interest in learning whats the point. The Bible says not to argue Gods word.  

  7. haha you think i can prove that to you? i'm not stupid, i know i can't. do yourself a favor and prove it to yourself by asking Him personally. just sayin

  8. Are you open to the possibility He exists?  If not, I cannot prove it, because no matter what I say or do, you will be able to rationalize it away (At least, until you die that is.  Then you will know for sure)

    If you are open to the possibility, then you have to do a little work.  Jesus is the biggest most tangible proof of God's existence.  Part of  his life is  recorded by four separate people in the Gospels, and some is recorded outside of the Gospels (only that he existed, however).

    If you withhold judgement on the miracles, and look at him as a person, you can see that many of the things he said were very wise and way beyond the times.

    HOWEVER, you cannot call him a great human teacher, because he also claimed to be the Son of God, the Messiah.  He placed himself on a very high level.  You cannot consider him to be a great human, because anyone who makes these claims is either crazy or looking for money.

    Or, he is really who he says he is?

    This is where the work comes in (If you're up to it and you truly have an open mind).  Jesus is real--he's not presented as myth or a story (like the greek gods were), but a true person.  You have to determine if he was who he said he was, or if he was insane, or a con man--those are your three choices.

    Obviously, this is no simple choice.  

  9. My proof?


    Nuff said ;)

  10. What degree of proof do you want?  In the legal field, all you need in most civil cases is to prove something by a "preponderance of the evidence" which means it is more likely true than not true (i.e., anything greater than 50% probability of being true).  Would that degree of evidence be sufficient for you?  

    Also, what kind of evidence are you looking for?  Most people who challenge Christianity say their is no scientific evidence for it, which isn't correct.  But evidence in the practical world is not limited to scientific.  There is evidence based on history, logic/reason, anecdotes, etc.  Would you consider those other sources as well?

    Those are just some things to think about.  Generally, when people ask this question, their own presuppositions preclude many types of evidence.  For example, if a person believes that there is no such thing as a supernatural event, they may will automatically reject any anecdotal evidence of miracles, regardless of how compelling the evidence might be.  I'm not saying that is your situation - just that it is something I have experienced before, which is why I raised the issues above.    

    That being said, let me give you a couple of pieces of evidence for God.

    1.  The existence of the laws of logic, which is conceptual and absolute, meaning they (a) are not physical properties but transcend space and time and (b) are always true all of the time and all of the places.  The laws of logic are not merely human constructs, since humans think differently and often contradictorily.  So, where do the laws come from if not from a transcendent Creator?

    2.  Scientific evidence has confirmed (with the exception of a few dissenters) that the universe (i.e., energy, matter, space, and time) came out of nothing and had a finite beginning at the Big Bang.  Since the universe began to exist, it had to have a cause (both under logic and general relativity).  After all, mere common sense tell us that things don't just pop into existence without some cause.  The "scientific" models that have been proposed to describe the origin of the universe or the First Cause have all proven short or (like the multiverse theory) are nothing more than metaphysical theories.

    3.  Anthropic fine-tuning of the universe, specifically as it relates to the ability to support life.  There are approximately 77 characteristics of the universe that need to fall within narrow ranges for basic physical life to exist and approximately 300 characteristics to make advanced life possible.  The odds of all of these characteristics occurring at the precise level and at the precise times needed, are to large to even comprehend.  Hugh Ross has stated that, even if the universe contained as many planets as it does stars, the possibility for the existence of just one planet or moon with the required conditions for advanced life is below 1 in 10 to the 282th power.  For example, a 1% change in Earth's orbital distance from the sun would result in either a runaway freeze or evaporation, either of which would make life's survival impossible.  

    4.  Irreducibly complex systems in animal and human life.  Natural selection, acting on random variations, only preserves things that perform a function or help the organism survive to the next generation.  There are many examples of irreducibly complex systems that perform no function until all the parts are present and working together, which is evidence of design.  As a theory, natural selection cannot build such systems, it can only preserve them once built.

    5.  The Cambrian explosion, i.e., the sudden emergence of a number of phylum-level differences in the fossil record.  Additionally, the absence of transitional fossils despite the fact that millions of fossils have been uncovered over the years.  

    I could go on for hours, but I figured most people are either asleep by now or stopped reading this long ago. :)  Note that I haven't even touched on the historical evidence for the Bible, specifically Jesus' life and resurrection.

    You're right.  That was fun.  

  11. How could life exist without him? and so many reasons to show and prove that he is here.

    365 times the Bible says fear not

    40years the Israelites were in the wilderness and had food from the heavens(the ski). Their cloths lasted that long as well.

    40 Days the Lord Jesus spent in the Wilderness

    Its up to how long we want to be in the wilderness without him, doubting him, he is here and there for you, he even knows all the hairs on your head, and made you with finger prints that no one has, because he broke the mold when he made you.God bless you as you read this and ask me if you like more, I will be here for you, Love fellow Daughter of God.

      We are all designed to Believe or not to believe, lie or tell the truth, Love or hate, forgive or not to, die in Christ or Die with Satan( actually burn for ever in a body that will be able to).Heaven or h**l. B.C. is in the text book even as Before Christ, hmmm, and A.D. recognizes him again, aww now after the Rapture I guess it will be A. R. after rapture or after his return,lol. How is it then that their is no Buda stations, and or Atheist stations.Oh what do you cry out when you stub your toe, Budau, Satan, Pagan love. No you don't you don't here people cry out that do you. But one day they will and God will say Depart(go into Fire) for I never knew you.Mathew 24 (Read if you can).

    GOD has SHOWN me HE Is HERE, I was unable to have kids, and now I have a 7 year old boy,I was def when I was 2 and couldn't speak family prayed and here I am still. I was in a serious accident, even officers were amazed the Semi was in didn't roll, I'm alive and well to tell you of these things. A WOMAN in West lake,LA is reading to here child right now,as her husband a Father now on his Job as Sheriff of town, I prayed with her ,,,Doctors said she wouldn't be able to have kids. My God the true and ONLY God Rocks.

  12. Gee, this is gonna take awhile.  Science still needs to catch up.  Don't worry.  Soon we will have the technology to prove the existence of God, like we can prove parentage or solve a crime by a DNA test.

  13. To me God, is the Multiverse, from whence this universe came.  His firstborn child, is our universe.  Both the Multiverse and Universe have manifestation forms.  The Multiverse, being male, has a female manifestation, and the Universe, being female, has a male maifestation.

  14. Its as obvious as possible God exists, toehrwise the universe would'nt exist, it would jsut be empty space. It needed a creator, and whe  you observe the bizzarely life-suporting nature of the world, the constellation orion, life's existence in general, the diversity of life, the complexity of everything, and the very visible signs that the earth seems designed with the goal of creating human beings in mind, atheism is for numbskulls! I do n to understadn atheism atall! It amkes no sense at all! >:(

  15. hahaha, I thought i'd give an answer too, tims. I believe in what i want to believe, and to have to prove my god exists is pointless, for it's unnecessary to prove something I believe in. I believe He exists, so I know He exists. It's faith.

    P.S.- this is hilarious. :)

  16. It can not be proven scientifically EITHER way. It cannot be proven that He does, and it cannot be proven that He does not.It is as much a matter of faith to "believe" that He does not as it is to believe that He does. You must be new to studying and reasoning about these things.

  17. Prove to ME that He doesn't!

  18. If you need proof of the existence of the Divine Presence, just ask yourself, where does your consciousness come from so that you can ask these questions in Yahoo/A. ?

    Your consciousness comes from God. You exist because of the Life given you by the Source of Life, the Father. "We live and move and have our being in Him."

  19. look at the mirror and see for your self, God gave you that face, body and life.and thats the best gift given to you by God. God Bless.

  20. omgz!

    teh bibbel

    teh everythign

    teh you

    teh creaxin

    teh lulz

    i reed bibble naw. kthxbai.

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