
Provera, Synthroid & Menstruation

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so I took 5 days worth of provera and now i'm on day 8 of synthroid.

Once I start to menstruate, will it come on it's own or will I have to keep taking provera for as long as I live to bring on monthly periods? I'm confused because my husband & I are trying to conceive.




  1. My Dr. put me on Provera back in February I take it for 12 days every other month at the end of the 12 days I get my period, the months that I skip taking provera I haven't gotten a period, my Dr. wasn't too specific about if I have to take it forever or not. but i've been wondering the same thing the past few months because my husband and I are also trying to concieve our first child, but I do know if you get pregnant you have to stop taking it. Sorry I couldn't have been of more help, I hope things work out.

  2. You never said why you were taking the provera in the first place? Do you have PCOS or just irregular?

    I have PCOS and the only way to have monthly is by taking the provera. Bummer because it makes for a long cycle, wasting the first 10 days taking it.

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