
Provera question...?

by  |  earlier

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im ttc and just got provera (medroxyprogesterone) to induce a period... i just took my first provera tablet today and i have 9 more to go... my question is, how long did it take for you ladies that have been on provera to get your period? the doctor told me anytime up to 7-10 days after i finish the last pill, but i was just wondering how long it took everyone else? did any of you get your period within a couple days after your last provera pill, or did it take the whole 10 days after the last pill? just curious....




  1. I've taken it a couple of times and it usually took the whole freaking 10 days for mine to start!  Everybody is different though!  GL!

  2. I have taken Provera three times, and the doctor proscribed me the 7 day pack, but after hearing of other women who only had to take it for 5 days I decided to try that, I only took it for 5 days and I always got my period with in 48 hours of my last pill. I would start cramping realy bad usually the day of my last pill and that's how I knew it was coming! Watch your BBT, when your temp falls then AF is on her way! My temp always fell the day after my last pill then my period would start the next day! Hope that helps!

  3. I took provera for three months. The first month I took it for 10 days then I got AF four days after stopping the pill.  Then the next month i never got AF.  Then the thrid month after I had taken three pills my Dr took me off of it, but after just three pills I got Af 4 days after stopping the pill.  I cramped really bad everyday while taking the pill and I felt like AF was coming on at any min.  It made me very moody.  Best of luck to you!!!!

  4. when i was on it it took me an extra week, but I had to quit taking because I found out i was allergic.

  5. It took me about a week to have a period after 10 days of provera. For comparison: after a 10 days of prometrium it took me about 5 days to have a period.

    Just a warning (because I wish someone would have warned me!): my provera induced periods were pure h**l. I mean, just horrible horrible cramping and pain worse than a regular period or prometrium induced period.

  6. I took it for 5 days and got my period 3 days later. Good luck and buckets of baby dust to you
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