
Provera long after taking did you get your af?

by  |  earlier

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I have taken it before and got my period right away after my 5 day dose. I finished my last pill last Tuesday and still haven't got my af. Just curious of any similar situations. I guess you could say I'm just very anxious to start my second cycle of Clomid!!!




  1. First time I got it within 5 days. The second time, it took 10 days. I wouldn't be concerned if you're still within 14 days of your last pill- sometimes it can take a while.

  2. It could take up to 14 days. if you dont get your period after 14 days call your Doctor. He's gonna tell you to take a HPT, or a blood test. to make sure your not pregnant! if you dont get your AF bu then, he may prescribed provera again.

    but just wait 9 more days.

    (it happened to me too)

    ... good luck.....

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