
Provide a brief overview of education?

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Provide a brief overview of education?




  1. The core of Education is or should be the process of instructing and socializing children to be productive members of our society.  Higher Education, in the American paradigm, high school, should be teaching our youth how to think and use what they have learned to be released from this institution.

    College is then a choice for those who need to develop current expertise in specific areas so that they can add more value to their chosen niche.

    Government regulation is changing this paradigm perhaps because our society is changing.  Basic education has become tied to very specific items that can be tested and are.  High School is becoming part of the basics and students are not being taught to think for themselves till they are in college.  For those students who can not or do not attend college this ability is never fostered.  They simply hear what they are told and follow.  This fosters many of the things are society does not value like gangs, long term welfare families and the working poor.

    The real question should be how to we fix this broken institution in our society?

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