
Provide some examples of Ancient Civilizations.?

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Provide some examples of Ancient Civilizations.?




  1. Romans: Turned into the Latin peoples of Europe and America (Spanish, French, Italians, Romanians, Portugese, Argentines, etc.) Arguably the most numerous group in Western Civilization, the Latin peoples and Latin culture dominate many if not most aspects of Western Civilization. Things they have invented include but are not limited to: The Latin alphabet (used by all Romance and Germanic languages), the Republican form of government, the Roman Catholic Church, the Legion (the military unit which formed the basis for military organization, and is still emulated today), Classical music, musical notation, the piano, the codex (the kind of book that we use today), the jet engine, the bomber, perspective in art, most words in the English language, and Constitutional law... and Fascism. They also crucified Jesus, only to become the center of the world's largest church.  

    Germanic Tribes: Some of them lived under Roman rule, then took over most of already-dying Western Roman Empire. Were mostly either Romanized or killed off in early middle ages. Dead groups include Visigoths (killed by Moors), Ostrogoths (killed by Eastern Roman Empire), Vandals (killed by Eastern Roman Empire), Franks (Lost identity as a people when their empire split into three parts and fell; have assimilated into parts of Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, and France), Anglo-Saxons (massacred on the continent and England by Franks and Normans respectively), Herlues (the tribe which deposed the last Western Roman Emperor; disappered from history after Justinian's reconquest of Italy), Gepids (conquered by the Avars, dissapeared from history), Lombards (conquered by Franks, mostly killed or assimilated into Italy, where they have had a negligible impact on the genetics there, and have only left the name "Lombardy" as a serious sign of their being there.) Note that most Germanic tribes were not truly civilized... only the Franks and Anglo-Saxons were... and only because of the Church's influence... by the time the Latin World had recovered from the loss of its Empire, the Germanic peoples were reduced to central Europe and Scandanavia. The Germanic peoples have given the world (among other things) the English language or at least, the grammar and most common words, (which defines what category the language technically is), Romantic Music (in spite of the name), the printing press, Protestantism (or at least, Lutheranism), the diesel engine, and sadly, Communism.

    The Greeks were the founders of Westen Civilization, and have influenced cultures as diverse as the Egyptians, the Indians, the Spanish, and the Russians. They have given the world drama, democracy, philosophy, the earliest methodical science, the world's first non-electric computer (the Antithykera mechanism), the first steam engine (the Aeropile, which was just a novelty item), the Cyrillic alphabet (used by the Slavs), the Eastern Orthodox Church, and, unlike almost every other nation, are still the same people in both name and fact as they were thousands of years ago; even though people like the Italians and the Irish are genetically the same, conversion to Christianity changed them beyond their ancient forms; the Greeks had philosophical values which were similar enough to Christianity for them to keep their basic identity from changing in name or fact.

    The Egyptians are arguably the most ancient people still around, and have seen almost everything. They have been ruled by Hyksos, Persians, Greeks, Roman, Greeks again (who ruled the Eastern Roman Empire), and then came under the influence of Arab Muslims (who were in turn influenced by Mohammed, who in turn was influenced by Christ, who lived in Isreal which was at the time under rule of the Romans... and the Romans were influeced by the Greeks!)

    The Chinese and Indians used to be many different countries. Each modern state has seen countless empires and kingdoms, and a common identity between the people living there is only a recent invention... China has given the world things like the Compass, Checkers, block printing, movable type (possibly invented by the Koreans), Confucianism, and Taoism. India has given the world Chess, Buddhism, Hinduism, playing cards, and both Sikhism and Jainism.

    If you are confused about any of these terms or names, look them up.

    Some rulers/important people of each kind of civilization:

    Latin: Marcus Junius Brutus, Julius Caesar, Cicero, Octavian Caesar (Augustus), Diocletian, Constantine, St. Augustine, Gregory the Great, Saint Acquinas, Marco Polo, Lorenzo the Magnificient, Christopher Columbus, Amerigo Vespucci, Napoleon Bonaparte, Benito Mussolini (an evil man.)

    Germanic: Clovis, Charles Martel, Charlemagne, Otto the Great, Alfred the Great, Johannes Gutenberg, Immanuel Kant, Karl Marx, Fredrich Neitzche, Adolf Hitler (enough said)

    Greek: Solon, Sophocles, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Pericles, Alexander the Great, Euclid, Justinian, St. Cyril, Basil II.

    Take note that some people may be from mixed backgrounds. Take William the Conqueror, for example. He was of mixed Danish-French (Gemanic-Latin) descent, but his culture was clearly Latin.

  2. Americas:    Mayas, Incas, Aztecs

    Middle east and North Africa:     ancient egyptians, and like the people of modern day Iraq, i think they are called something with an 'eu'

    asia:    ancient mongolians and ancient chinese, samurai era of japan(i am calling it that i dont know the 'official' name)

  3. Egyptians, Chinese, Turks, Mayas, Incas, Aztecs, Romans, Greeks..

  4. Maya, Inca, Aztecs.

    Egyptians, Phoenicians.

    Romans, Greeks.

    Also the Mississippian tradition in north America.

  5. azteec inca mesopotamians








    native americans

  6. Mesopotamia were the first civilization, the Minoans and the Egyptians were also among early civilizations. Chinese, Romans, Greeks, Aztecs and Incas were other early civilization.

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