
Providing that we will be keeping the Sabbath in heaven should we not also prepare here now?

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Isaiah 66:22 For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith the LORD, so shall your seed and your name remain.

23And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD.




  1. "Sunday  is a Catholic institution, and its claims to observance can be  defended only on Catholic principles..  From beginning to end of Scripture  there  is not a single  passage that warrants transfer of weekly  public worship from the last day  of the week to the first." Catholic Press, Sydney, August 1900.

    "Protestantism,  in discarding the authority of the (Roman) Catholic Church,  has  no  good  reasons for  its  Sunday  theory,  and ought logically  to  keep Saturday as its  Sabbath." John Gilmary Shee, in the "American Catholic Quarterly Review." January 1883.

    "It  is well to remind  the presbyterians, Baptists, Methodists, and

    all  other Christians, that the Bible does not support them anywhere in their observance of Sunday. Sunday is an institution of the Roman Catholic Church, and those who observe the day observe a commandment of the Catholic Church." Priest Brady, in an address reported in the Elizabeth, N.J. "News" of March 18 1903.

    "Question:-  Have  you any other way  of proving that the (Catholic) Church  has power to institute festivals of precept (to command holy days)?"  "Answer:-  Had she not such  power, she could not have done that  in which all modern religionists agree with her: She could not have substituted the observance of Sunday the first day of the week, for  the observance of Saturday the  seventh day, a change for which there  is  no  Scriptural authority."  Stephan  Keenan, "A Doctrinal Catechism." p. 176.

    "Reason  and common sense demand the  acceptance of one or the other of these doctrines: either Protestantism and the keeping holy of the Sabbath,  or Catholicity and the  keeping holy of Sunday. Compromise is impossible." "The Catholic Mirror." Dec. 23 1893.

    "God  simply  gave  His  (Catholic) Church  the  power  to set aside whatever  day  or  days, she would  deem  suitable as Holy Days. The Church chose Sunday, the first day of the week, and in the course of time  added  other days as holy  days."  Vincent J Kelly. "Forbidden Sunday and Feast-day Occupations." p. 2.

    "Protestants..  accept  Sunday rather than  Saturday  as the day for public  worship after the Catholic Church  made the change.. But the Protestant  mind  does not realize that  in  accepting the Bible, in observing  the  Sunday,  they  are  accepting  the  authority of the spokesman for the Church, the Pope." "Our Sunday Visitor" February 5 1950.

    "We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty." Pope Leo XIII, in an Encyclical Letter June 20 1894.

    Not  the Creator of the Universe, in Genesis 2:1-3, but the Catholic Church  "can  claim the honour of having  granted man a pause to his work  every  seven  days." S C  Morse.  "Storia della Domenica" 1969 pp.366-367.

    "The  Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, but he is Jesus  Christ Himself, hidden under a  veil of flesh." "The Catholic National" july 1895.

    "If  Protestants would follow the Bible,  they should worship God on the Sabbath Day. In keeping the Sunday they are following the law of the Catholic Church." Albert Smith, Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Baltimore,  replying for the Cardinal, in a letter dated February 10 1920.

    "We  define that the Holy Apostolic  See (the Vatican) and the Roman Pontiff  holds  the primacy over the  whole  world." A decree of the Council  of Trent, quoted in Philippe Labbe and Gabriel Cossart "The Most Holy Councils" Vol 13 col 1167.

    It  was the Catholic Church which, by the authority of Jesus Christ, has  transferred this rest (from the  Bible Sabbath) to the Sunday.. Thus  the observance of Sunday by  the Protestants is an homage they pay,  in  spite  of  themselves to  the  authority  of  the Catholic Church."  Monsignor  Louis  Segur  "Plain  Talk  About Protestantism Today" p. 213

    "We  observe Sunday instead of  Saturday because the Catholic Church transferred  the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday." Peter Geiermann CSSR "A Doctrinal Catechism" 1957 edition p. 50.

    "We  Catholics, then, have precisely  the same authority for keeping Sunday  holy instead of Saturday as  we have for every other article in  our creed, namely, the authority of the Church.. whereas you who are Protestants have really no authority for Sunday sacredness what-soever;  for there is no authority for it in the Bible, and you will not allow that there can be authority for it anywhere else. Both you and  we  do, in fact follow tradition  in this matter; but we follow it,  believing it to be part of  God's word, and the Catholic Church to  be  its divinely appointed  guardian and interpreter; you follow the  Catholic  Church, denouncing it all  the time as a fallible and treacherous  guide,  which often 'makes  the  commandments of God of none effect' (Matthew 15:6). The Brotherhood of St.Paul "The Clifton Tracts" vol.4, tract 4, p. 15.

    "The Church changed the observance of the Sabbath to Sunday by right of  the divine, infallible authority given  her by her founder Jesus Christ.  

  2. Please, please, come on up to the new testament and be set free from the old condemning law that was nailed to the cross.  We now have the Holy Spirit.  Way better deal.

  3. Nothing quite like taking Scripture and treating it eisegetically.

    Have you not read that during the new heavens and earth, it will be neither day nor night?  You can't calculate the sabbath when there is no longer a distinction between the days.

    Notice that verse 22 here is making a comparative statement regarding the name and progeny of those of Israel, and not claiming that during the new heavens and new earth all flesh comes before God to worship.

    Again, you are soooo ignorant.


  4. Please come to The Lord Jesus instead! (He is still waiting for you!)  Acts 4:10-12, and Romans 10:9-13.  Focus on The Redeemer and stop focusing on created things, such as 'days'.  Romans 1:18-32.

  5. It sure wouldn't hurt! A friend of mine who is a messianic Jew points out that we will be observing many of the Jewish traditions in heaven, so we might as well learn how to observe them now.

    "He who observes the day, observes it to the Lord; and he who does not observe the day, to the Lord he does not observe it..."

    Romans 14:6

  6.   With the publication of the Conversations with God books by Neale Donald Walsch we can read God's own words to know what is true and what is not.   .It should be well known by now by all rational thinkers that the Bible is not factual.  .God does not recognize a sabbath as having any importance to spiritual growth..Worship also is not required or even wanted by God.  .An occasional thank you or an I love you is always welcomed by the creator but even that is not required..  Get a copy of the miracle books by Neale Donald Walsch at your library and learn the truth about your God...God bless.

  7. Sure, we should be doing everything to prepare for eternity.

    In heaven there will be no night and therefore no separate days so therefore why would there be a Sabbath there?  We will be worshiping the Lord all the time or any time as though every day was the Sabbath.

  8. Are Christians under obligation to keep a weekly sabbath day?

    Ex. 31:16, 17: “The sons of Israel must keep the sabbath, so as to carry out the sabbath during their generations. It is a covenant to time indefinite [“a perpetual covenant,” RS]. Between me and the sons of Israel it is a sign to time indefinite.” (Notice that sabbath observance was a sign between Jehovah and Israel; this would not be the case if everyone else were also obligated to keep the Sabbath. The Hebrew word rendered “perpetual” in RS is ‛oh·lam′, which basically means a period of time that, from the standpoint of the present, is indefinite or hidden from sight but of long duration. That can mean forever, but not necessarily so. At Numbers 25:13 the same Hebrew word is applied to the priesthood, which later ended, according to Hebrews 7:12.)

    Rom. 10:4: “Christ is the end of the Law, so that everyone exercising faith may have righteousness.” (Sabbath keeping was a part of that Law. God used Christ to bring that Law to its end. Our having a righteous standing with God depends on faith in Christ, not on keeping a weekly sabbath.) (Also Galatians 4:9-11; Ephesians 2:13-16)

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