
Prozac Questions? Recently Stopped Taking.?

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I have recently stopped taking Prozac and I was wondering if any of you have been through this and if so, what side effects did you experience?

I have been prescribed anti-depressants for the past 6 years or so, many different meds until we found the right one. I took Cymbalta for a long time and had Prozac added last fall after going through a really rough time.

I have successfully stopped the Cymbalta several months ago and have also been off of the Prozac for 12 days now.

The side effects that I am experiencing are unusually tired, achy muscles and a sensation that I am being "shocked" on random parts of my legs and arms. The achy muscles and the shocking sensation aren't continual, more like they come and go.

Anyone else ever experience anything like this? No nasty answers, please.





  1. That sounds like the onset of Prozac withdrawal. many people note the brain zaps, but the body zaps are also withdrawal symptoms.

    There´s a book about antidepressant withdrawal - The Antidepressant Solution by Joseph Glenmullen - which will talk you through the symptoms, usual onset times etc: but for a swift ´head´s up´have a read of David Healy´s withdrawal info which has a briefer list of withdrawal symptoms... google; Healy MIND Halting SSRIs

  2. Sensation of being shocked is a bit broad. But it can happen to anyone that does not have a strong immune system like myself a few years ago when taking prozac. after i've quit, i had some depression coming back. Aching muscles happen to me too.

    But prozac doesn't really help me. I got out of it by myself.

    Be strong. And ask your doctor cuz i'm not one.

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