
Prozac question, im kind of afraid.?

by  |  earlier

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I took 280mg of prozac. I know it's an anti depressent, but I don't know whats going to happen.Should I do something? Or can I just let it be.




  1. go to the ER.  Get off of here now.

  2. FIRST, You need to get off the computer. SECOND, CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY! You do not need people's opinion on this site @ this time. PLEASE GO TO THE ER NOW! No one or any situation is  worth an attempt to OD. I believe 80 mgs is the max dose ONLY @ your doctor's orders! An overdose can possibly cause a psychotic episode! PLEASE seek  medical help. God bless you!

  3. Yeah, asking questions on here is probably not the best place to be... I'm hoping by now you've sought some proper medical advice.

    However, Prozac, or fluoxetine, is a pretty safe drug, even in overdose. It might make you sick or mess around with your stomach/bowels, but it is unlikely to do you any serious lasting damage. This is not the same for other antidepressants, so if you took anything else, you NEED to go to the ED.

    The more pressing issue is why you took so many in the first place. Unfortunately antidepressants are not instant happy pills. They take a good 2-3wks to work, and even more unfortunately the side effects kick in before then, and can often lead to you feeling more depressed than you did to start with. If they are not working after taking them correctly for 5-6wks, go back to your doctor, as this is an indication for him to try you on another drug or add a mood stabiliser like lithium. However, he might be reluctant if you took too many of these ones, seeing as the others are far more toxic in overdose.

    It might be an idea to discuss something like cognitive behavioural therapy with your doctor, as it is considered equally as effective in the treatment of moderate depression compared to taking meds.

    Oh, and stay off weed. That stuff is REALLY bad for you. Exacerbates depression and increases your risk of developing a psychotic disease (i.e. schizophrenia) by 40%. Not what you need by the sounds of things...

    Good luck!!

  4. you should really go to the ER, although if you really can't, the best thing to do is try to wash it out. Drink lots of liquids, such as gatorade. Try to get some caffeine in you too, because you don't  want to fall asleep while you have that much Prozac in your system.

    out of curiosity...why did you take 7x your normal amount?

  5. Go to the emergency room and seek help.  Most SSRI overdoses are not fatal, but may have other adverse effects and the reasons for taking such a large dose need to be investigated by someone who can do more than send you messages online.

  6. Why did you take so much?

    All I know about Prozac is that it sucks. Every time I took it, I felt stupid all day and couldn't go to sleep the next night until about the time I was supposed to wake up in the morning.

    Of course, my body chemistry is obviously different than yours, but if it has the same effect for you... be prepared to feel completely retarded for about an entire week without sleep.

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