
Ps3, x box 360 which is best and why?

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i want to buy one




  1. Ps3 due to it having superior graphics(MGS4), 8 processor, emotion engine, like a computer, internet, blu ray, 8 players on 1 system, Metal gear solid 4 is on ps3, and a game call M.A.G. is coming out in feb. with 256 players on one map. Also Home and its free. The online is free and pretty good service.

    The 360 have to much shooting games releasing every month and not much other genres games, Halo3 is not really fun after a few months and not much players go on anymore like before. You get the red ring of death on 360, have a loud fan, lots of racist folks on Xbox live, it do have some good exclusive games like Gears of war, and a great online service but have to pay monthly.

  2. PS3 far superior in every way, less chance of it crashing, free online gaming which gets better every update, 93.7% of the really long answer is wrong I'm not going to go through one by one, he obviously doesn't have one and has read someone Else's review.  You get most of the games which are out on PC and 360, except for games like Halo, of which PS3 has its own titles and if you do a test drive in the store you would know in 10 seconds without a doubt.

  3. I prefer the 360. Here's why:



    -Better hardware. It's a much more powerful machine.

    -Better processing power

    -Bluray disks can hold expansively more data than 360 HDdvd disks

    -PS3 has 7 core processers, as oppossed to the Xbox360's 3 processers.

    -Uses Cell proccessing.

    -Standard HD

    Free online play

    -Able to install Linux


    -Not a lot of great games.- System still seems to be developing support from the industry

    -Third-party game support is almost non-existant (SONY relies primarily on its own companies and partners to develop games for it)

    -The cell processer is too hard for developers to work with at the time.

    - Online play is laggy, glitched, not as immersive as Xbox live.

    - Most companies that previously developed games specifically for SONY are either making their games multiplatform or moving them exclusively to the 360

    - Complete lack of RPG titles (The PS3 currently has around eight to ten)

    -Very expensive (Around $100 more)

    - Must instal games into the hard drive (Consumes hard drive quickly)



    -Best online play available.

    -Online play is cheap (About $45 a year)

    -Wide variety of Shooters, action games and RPGs specifically

    -Better third-party support

    -Optional hard drives

    -Much smoother interface

    -Cheaper than PS3

    - Far more exclusive titles

    -More blockbuster games

    -Recent price drop

    -Optional hard drive installation

    -Ability to access MSN messenger from console

    -You will soon have the ability to have Netflix movies sent directly to your 360 via your internet connection and watch them on your TV.


    -HDDs are over priced.

    -37% fail rate in systems

    -HDdvds are far smaller in capacity

    - Does not have the processing power of the PS3

    My thoughts:

    While the 360 is a much weaker machine schematically, there are no developers willing to utilize the PS3's abilities or processing power. I mentioned that the PS3 has 7 cores and the 360 has 3, however not a single game to date has used even all of one of these cores to play, and I highly doubt there ever will be. The space on disks essentially means games made for the PS3 can be larger/longer, so some games ported to the 360 may take multiple disks.

    In essence, the 360 is stronger right now in the area of GAMES, but is using its full abilities. The PS3 has yet to be tested by any game. So in the long run the PS3 MAY push past the 360 and leave it in the dust. But right now the 360 is where to go if you want games in the short term (Good games now. Rather than hoping good games will be made for the PS3) Both consoles also hold the ability to play videos and stream pictures directly to your TV. Though you're able to use Windows Media center on Xbox 360.

    You're going to get a lot of fanboys coming in here with "Well the 360 can't play the same games the PS3 does!!!" That's true:

    Because Microsoft thought it was a dumb idea to force you to install games onto your hard drive in order to play them. On the PS3 you have to instal games onto the HDD just to play them, which sucks down your hard drive space. BluRay disks are actually amazingly slow at running video games. This is why an installation onto the HDD of the PS3 is needed, even on multiplatform games where the 360 runs them fine, even on the 'inferior HDdvds.' It's because BluRay disks are c**p for video games.

    Find me an exclusive FPS on the PS3 better than Halo

    Find me an exclusive TPS on the PS3 better than Gears

    Find me an exclusive RPG on the PS3 better than Tales

    Or at all.

    There just really is no argument here.


    -PS3 has few to no good exclusive games

    -It eats your hard drive

    -Has bull online support with c**p servers

    -Multiplatform games look WORSE on it

    -Looks like a grill

    -Blu-Ray is the most useless format ever imagined

    -And the industry hates it.

    I didn't choose my 360 because I was broke, I chose it because I want to play games, not watch movies with visual enhancements undetectable to the human eye. And in the area of games, the PS3 just doesn't have a single one I want.

    It should also be noted that the NEW 360s (With the 60gb HDD) have no ability to get the RRoD. That problem has been fixed.

    Games that are multiplatform for the PS3 and 360 ALWAYS look better on the 360. This is because games are initially developed for the 360 and later ported to the PS3. They're developed with the 360 hardware in mind. If you don't believe me, google it. Examples:

    The same site comparing assassins creed and several others: Notice how flat textures look on the PS3.

    I won't even talk about a Wii, because..I don't even consider it a video game console, any more than I consider a leapfrog learning center a video game console

  4. well, agree and disagree with jahh...but the PS3 has a good system, (that's the part i agree with) but, the xbox 360 isn't as horrible as he claims it to be! it has a pretty noisy fan, noisier than the other consoles, but just turn up your tv a bit, and it won't be a huge deal, it's not as horrible as some people claim it to be

    + for xbox 360:

    ~the PS3 doesn't have that many exclusive games...Metal Gear Solid 4 is good, but Xbox 360 has way more games of the liking.I guess it just all depends on your liking.

    ~I prefer the Xbox 360, cause i already had an xbox.

    ~The xbox 360 is $299 now, with the 60GB xbox 360 for just $349, while the PS3 is $399.

    ~Its also a bit bulkier than the xbox 360!

    ~xbox live is amazing!! you can play games with other people, around the world, and buy things exclusively for xbox live (like GTA 4 exclusive contents), you can do many other things, like host parties on it, etc...but costly for gold, and free for silver account!

    ~the xbox 360 has updates, that don't require videogames to provide installs optionally through xbox live

    ~xbox 360 is made with the most powerful hardware, and is the power of 3 computers put together, 3 times the IB power (hence, Microsoft deals with computers unlike Sony)

    ~some say better graphics, but it depends on what game you are playing

    ~the guide button on the controller is amazing!!!

    ~you can plug in your MP3, hard drive, USB drive or anything else liek that, and play movies, music, view pictures, and others like that, and the 360 has a visualizer to go along with your music!!!

    ~connect it to the computer, and you can do LOTS more on their, including more movies, and music!!!

    + for PS3:

    ~PS3 is $399 ( won't rop in price by much, as it still has a blu-ray player, that is almost 500 bucks!)

    ~has a cool CD slot, like the Wii, no trays like the xbox 360!

    ~has a Blu-ray player, along with being able to play DVD's, while the 360 only has HD....due to the reasons that Sony owns blu-ray, and owns the play station, so there is no way they would give permission to Microsoft!!!!!!

    ~the SIXAXIS and DUALSHOCK controllers is great (Y)

    ~the online is free (but sucky, read above ^^^)

    ~some say better graphics, but it depends on what game you are playing

    sure, there's lots more, but that's the best selling points there!!!

    its arguable, ya, but i really recommend the xbox 360, as you get alot of what the PS3 offers, but more, and better!!!!

    and as of the red ring of death, Sony has had problems too with their problems, and the Wii have as well!!! so don't think Microsoft is the only one having technical difficulties!!!

    and the Red Ring of Death doesn't happen now as much as it did when it first got shipped!!!!!

    xbox 360 all the way!!!!

    but goodluck deciding...i've already decided =)

  5. xbox 360

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