
Ps3 or xbox? witch is better, major delema!?

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I geting a consel but I don't know what I should get.

Xbox has live and halo 3 but ps3 has some cool stuff too




  1. ps3

  2. ps3 for sure cause on xbox you have to...

    * pay 4 online

    * pay to create a 2nd account

    * needs to have a wired connection to play online

    ps3 has

    * free online playing

    * create as many accounts as you want

    & you can play wireless for online


  3. I'd go with the XBox.

  4. I would choose the ps3 all the way. TH ps3 has cool games that xbox360 does not hyave. Such as god of war 3, little big planet, kill zone 2, kill zone 1, resistance 2, and the new HOME(this is free and you can chat with your friends, for more go to youtube and type in "ps3 home". The ps3 controllers have six-axis which is cool in army of two for controlling parachute. The ps3 has a builit in blue-ray. So its like a free dvd player!!!! The ps3 store has downloadable games and can buy,download, or rent movies and games.

    The xbox360 the controllers have to be recharged on batteries which meanes u have to spent a ton of $$$ on batteries. The xbox360 controllers are heavier which means you dont feel as confortable player your games.

    Go to youtube and type in ps3 HOME AMAMZING THINGS!!

  5. i would say PS3.and i think you should wait a bit longer like 1 and a half years because you'll get it way way cheaper.  

  6. idk ,, ps3 has an easy layout,, everything is easy to find, id think about the games cuz ps3 has great stuff but disadvantages ,, and xbox  too but if u should,, get xbox, becasue ps3 is amazing, but i feel the company isnt doing the greatest job at sustaining a good system,, i feel if u want to be satisfied right away, get xbox,, if u want to wait and trust that the ps3 will do better,, get ps3,, becasue it will come soon with great things, right now, its just having problems, because sony put too much technology to early for players to handle

    . on online.... xbox live has better features,, liek media and better capabilities such as easy communiction with friends and better features while playong online.. ps3 has an alright online base but its too plain, it doesnt consist of much but it has a better online store and easier acces to movies and games.,

    on graphics, the xbox and ps3 have the same power but many games werent released for ps3 becasue the cell broadband power of the ps3 is too complicated in todays tech world becasue it needs more time to make since it is blu ray. xbox, has a normal hd hard drive like many other harddrives.. accessories ofr the xbox are easier to get because the ps3 needs very specific qualfifications for  accesories such as the headset, its hard to find headsets for ps3, while the xbox ,, any headset would work, if ur the type of person to be more easy and wants gaming power and entertainment and want a variety of games,, get xbox, if u want more of a sophisticated and complex system with great graphics and great sounds, and u trust that the system u want will be betetr, get ps3, i chose ps3 becasue i like the graohics and easy accesible online store,  xbox is cheaper, and most people choose it will be satisfied,, so go with the xbox becasue if i could get another one,, id get the xbox. but it has been involved with many glitches and system failure,,but xbox is a good system

  7. I have both and I personally like the Xbox 360. The PS3 has a lot of cool features, but I don't use a lot of them (except for the internet browser, which I love to use to watch streaming video).

    I prefer the 360 mostly because they do online better (in terms of gaming and online doesn't come with a browser).

    If you don't go online, then get the cheaper one. Make sure you get something with a hard drive and at least 20 GB.

  8. I prefer the PS3, I like its games better, Heavenly Sword, Uncharted, Resistance, R & C, Motorstorm, Warhawk, and many more to come (Little big planet, Killzone, inFAMOUS, ect.) Go with the 360 if you like Halo and Gears.

  9. PS3


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