
Ps3 problems?

by  |  earlier

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I just bought my ps3 and I used it on my high def tv using the standard AV cables. Then I brought it over to my neighbors house who has the HDMI cable and it was working great on both tvs, then when I brought it back to my original tv with the standard AV cables I plugged everything in and it wont show up on the screen. I called sony they were no help, any suggestions?




  1. go back and put it on hdtv with the av cables and change the setting to 480i

  2. well it may be that the PS3 configured it self for a HD TV and now it will only play on an HD TV; or it may just be a glitch in the system

  3. isnt there a switch in the back that says "HD  and  then  HDTV" under it. try switching it to HDTV [high def t.v.]

  4. if when u use ur ps3 with the av cables that came with it does it show up with a black screen? if so u need to go to ur neighbors house borrow their hdmi cord go to setting and then display settings and change the output to av standard cables then go back to ur house it should work now

    I no because i had the same problem
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