
Pshcic help please.?

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do you think me and my boyfriend of 10 months will last? im 14 (5/22/94) and hes 15 (2/21/93). i really think were iin love with eachother..we always say we are gonna last forever and we do wanna have the strength and stay together forever. if you need me, email or im me to talk more or just answer here. theres pics of me and him in my other ? (do me and my bf look cute together)




  1. I'm just a bit psychic although I don't join any clubs.  I feel that you are going to last for awhile, but not forever.  I know that most psychics say they can't read minds over the internet... and I can't either.  But I understand a lot just from what you are writing here.  He is Pisces, Year of the Rooster and you are Gemini, Year of the Dog.  Both of you have some solid and sensitive signs, so that will help you stay together.  You have a lot of fun together and there are also a lot of romantic times.  He is very sensitive and you are faithful.  That is why you are getting along so well.  Relationships have the hardest time when the oldest one turns 18.  It's a time of upheaval and uncertainty, and guys tend to get very strange and independent at that age, wanting their freedom.  If you can make it beyond that, you will be fine.

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