
Psp data corruption?

by  |  earlier

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how do i prevent my saved game data from being corrupted in my psp? and also what are the possible reasons for your data to be corrupted? pls answer. thanks.




  1. with my psp i had corrupted data on it the first time i put music on it. it was because i sync'ed it from windows media player. what ur supposed to do is open the file up on ur computer and drag your files there. anyways i could never open those files it would say corrupt data and i could never delete them for some reason either. they never took up any space on the memorystick for the psp though cuz there was never any actual files in them.

    anyways to get rid of them i had to re-format the memory stick. this can be done by going to the little toolbox option(i forgot what its called i think its system settings?)

    anyways in one of the sub-options theres one saying format memory stick. everything will be deleted off your psp but this is the only way to get rid of those corrupt files off of your psp. just make sure when your putting everything back on you open the folder in whichever removable drive you plugged it into and drag the items there. =)

  2. Well there could be a number of reasons why your data is corrupt. Some common ones are that you don't wait 'till the psp is completely finished saving before you press "O". Others could be that your memory stick may be dusty on the copper part of it or you have a fake mem card. (I've seen many reports of non-working "SanDisk" mem cards")I'd suggest you make sure your waiting until the data is completely saved and/or lightly dusting off the memory card with a cloth

  3. My ps2 does that sometimes and the best answer Ive gotten is that the data becomes corrupted when you suddenly cut the power.

    My roommate used to always trip on the power cord and disconnect it from the ps2. Upon reconnection I would recieve the corrupt warning like you say.
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