
Psychic, I have been dubbed as Mr. s**y at school........?

by  |  earlier

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And I am a little scared about this, b/c that means many females will now probably be jumping on me, I am terribly s**y though, so much so I do not know what to do myself. Sometimes I look in the mirror, sometimes I run my hands over my face and body, and other times I shake my butty in front of the mirror (and watch it jiggle) hehehehehe.

Anyway, I have been dubbed as Mr. s**y at my school, and I am a little bit nervous about this. I am also still a virgin (which makes my throat tiighten). Don't ask me how a virgin could be considered Mr. s**y (I don't know)--but I ammmmmmmm : D




  1. better go to  a mental doctor

  2. Where's the question???

  3. wtf?

  4. I don't see a question here.

    And I can see why your still a virgin, girls don't like a guy who is full of themselves.

  5. just sayin there is no question and.... WTF??!!!!

  6. LoL...


  7. WHAT THE h**l?

  8. I think your a f*g.

  9. ok honey did you have a question...i mean i am just the hottest thing i know but you don't see me bragging!!!

  10. OMG you're so full of yourself....Are  you an Aries?  Hey when you got it, you got it....have fun with it!  But uh I would stop jiggling the booty in front of the mirror though, I would leave that for the girls.

  11. You poor thing.

  12. Low self esteem huh?

  13. Listen Clarence, are you sure they didn't dub you that as a joke (or in a mocking-teasing way)????????

    Not to be offensive or anything........

  14. dont you think you're being over confident with yourself???

    what if your really not s**y, and the people around you just said those things to reverse you...b/c you dont have s*x appeal..^_^




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