
Psychic, why am I so wonderful???????

by  |  earlier

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I know I am, more so than my siblings and friends. I am a tall, rather good looking girl. I am very smart and good=lookiing and wonderful--my parents also tell me that everyday.

And wait, there's more!!!

Last night, G~d came down from the heavens, and whispered in mine ear (in holy voice): " are wonderfulllllllllll You are the bless-ed one.....continue saying me a prayer every evening and I shall butter your biscuit......."

Anyway, why am I sooooo incredibly, freaking wonderful?????? I can't seem to get over myself.




  1. "wow ana! you are so wonderful. no wonder he chooses you to continue his job. im so happy for you. one day, when you are all powerful and stuff, can i be your most trusted servant? it will be an honor to serve under your divine presence."

    if this makes you happy, then i would really say it. but in my mind, things will be way more different.

  2. LMAO!!!!!

    Are you kidding me?!?

    Is there a question in there??

    If you're so wonderful why are you on here telling everyone, to stroke your ego, to boost your self esteem?

    Be careful of being so vain, looks are fleeting, and pride is over rated

    It's your parents' job to tell you you're wonderful, they don't say it so that you see yourself as better then everyone else.

    I seriously doubt that God came to you and told you that you were so wonderful. If you truly believe that he did, perhaps you're delusional, and you need psychiatric help!

  3. Oh my god, you're soooo amazing!

    You should get Oprah to talk about your great powers of beauty and psychicness to everyone. They will awe in your amazingness.

    That IS what you wanted to hear, right?

  4. Oh brother you must be a LEO.........

  5. Wow. You don't sound concieted at all! (Oh and isn't it fun to be wonderful?) :D

  6. your funny he told santa that the ninjas forsaken you and your realy realy look like a trole thats why santa said ninja rodolph to see you and play dog and then your siblings tied you up and sent you to be with satan and then satan rejected you so your floating in space tword the planet pluto were the rest of your heart is waiting ice princess lol

  7. you are the stupidest girl i've ever seen.i bet you think your so wonderful that evey time you pass ANY reflective surface you can't help but look at your self. listen to a little advise , the world is a lot bigger and more wonderful than you'll ever be so really just open you eyes grow a brain and get over your self

  8. get over it!I'm more wonderful!

    probably cz people just love u,and maybe u r!I don't know u,but I think u r!!


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