
Psychic - Could you please answer my question? ;)?

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Well, so far I've been told for more than once or even twice, by people around me that are self-titled mediums, that I have psychic abilities as well, and that I first need to grow up and mature - I'm only seventeen - before I can become a psychic. It was scary, a bit, but fascinating above all. Could you please, if you don't mind, tell me if I do have psychic skills - like ethereal vision, seeing auras, communicating with astral entities etc., like I was told in the past? For the record, I did have some spiritual experiences when I was 13 and 14... In case I'm going to be a psychic - when will that occur, and what kind of things am I going to do? Is it something I'm destined to do?

I hope that's not too much... And I'll really appreciate your answer...

Thank you so much!





  1. You do not have "Psychic skills",no one has either,it's all guessing and remembering your hits rather than the misses.Test yourself:What are the six numbers that will be drawn in the UK lottery this wednesday?.

  2. Only you will know all of one will know or go through what you are going through.  You either are or aren' shouldn't have to question it.  If you don't know...then you are not.  It comes from above.

  3. Honestly for all intensives purposes, "psychic" phenomena are not magical occurances of unexplanable or mystical powers.  Depending on the situations such 'powers' are demonstrated in, there are several other more realistic answers.  People who feel they are able to read people or even predict outcomes of situations are most often just more subconsciously aware than an average person of subtle, usually indistiguishable, variations in a person's behavior, body language, or simply the finer details of a situation they may not consciously realize they are noticing.  As for predictions of the future, most often these are simply assessments of probablity made on a subconscious level based on previous experiences and knowledge.  It's also important to note that a believer will choose to pay more attention to the examples they feel are successful and support thier choosen viewpoint, rather than fairly comparing all examples, including failures that might disprove thier viewpoint.

    There are times when a 'psychic' is fully aware and intentionally defrauding a person into believing trickery to be legit, but often people simply do not fully understand why they knew something or were able to do something they've done.  Some people, such as yourself, may have hokey people about them, reinforcing these misconceptions and identifying it as 'psychic' rather than scientifically analyzing the situation.  As someone who felt much like you seem to when I was younger, I have grown up to realize every single sort of "psychic" experience I thought I'd had has always had a more logical and sensible explanation with deeper examination.  

    In short, I believe there is honestly no such thing as a TRULY psychic phenomena.  With all of the people in the world studying these sorts of things, why have there been NO INDEPENDANT scientific studies that can conclusively find repeatable examples or evidence of such occurances?  If such people existed in the world, wouldn't there be atleast ONE who could readily reproduce indisputable pyschic examples for study ina  controlled, laboratory environment?  I'd take note of the fact that even you said your medium friends are "self-titled".  Everything in this plane of existence is united by a set of rules, such as physics.  Even if psychic abilities existed, they would still have to fall within this set of rules in some way.  There is surely plenty out there mankind has yet to fully understand, but none of the 'evidence' of psychic phenomena truly supports it's existence.  

    I'd note that anyone who responds with the guidelines of pyschic abilities may have resources to support thier claims, but I hope you will take the time to examine thier sources and also to consider my point of view.  I feel understanding what I used to designate as 'psychic' abilties to be more reasonable and easily controlled abilites, such as being extremely subconsciously aware of subtle details, has actually enabled me to better control my abilities and to consciously notice, evaluate, and utilize this ability.  Acknowledging the source of your ability is not mystical will not make the ability go away.  For me it's only enhanced my ability to use it properly.   Don't give into beleiving in the unknown rather than fully examining all situatons reasonably.

  4. If more than one person has told you this, there may be something to it.

    Psychic abilities do develop in young people, but they tend to be intermittent and hard to control. If you don't work to develop them regularly as you get older, as with any innate talent, they can atrophy and grow weak from misuse.

    So, if you want to make something of them, work on developing them. There are various ways to increase your psychic awareness such as decks of cards (where you try to predict a card before it's shown.) Another good practice is to keep a dream journal and write down particularly memorable dreams and visions, then follow up to see how much if any of them come true.

    At this point your specific psychic skill might not be established yet. With time and practice you should find out what skill you're best at and how to make use of it.

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