
Psychic: Does he like me? do you see anything romantic for us in the future?

by Guest32257  |  earlier

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I'm housemates with this guy S, he's older and wiser kind but I think I like him. He's a Pisces and I'm a Scorpio and I want to know if he likes me or not




  1. i think he deos.... its foggy u know how it is

  2. In consulting the stars and the planet closest to the moon, it seems like Mr. S likes you but he is cautious and has a reluctance to make the first move.  It is very clear that you and he will have an intimate relationship in the very near future.  As to the length of this relationship, I cannot say because I must wait for the proper alignment of the stars.

  3. I really wouldn't go on what other people would have to say. Unless they know you and him.

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