
Psychic. Please, where did I leave my black sunglasses?

by  |  earlier

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I was on vacation and came home and can't find them anywhere?




  1. hotel room they fell off the bedside table and you overlooked them, b/c you were in a hurry to get an egg mcmuffin before 10:30

  2. Wait wait!! Im getting something.. Can you walk straight?

    (Quote meaning : up your ***)

  3. lol look on your car floor! under the seats and stuff. seriously. i lost mine.. and looked for a week.. and finally got some new ones.. then found the old ones underneath the passengers seaat.   lovely

  4. i sense its like somewhere on your computer desk. somewhere in your room. or in your family room. but if they didnt work, then try using a pendulum! good luck!

  5. you left them in your luggage next too your vibrator hahahah.....

    srry,,i dunno

  6. you accidently droped them as you were taking a walk to somewhere

  7. @ the store

  8. On vacation, in the place you were staying. Sorry!

  9. they are on a window seal behind some curtains.

  10. They are in your vehicle.

    Hope this helps.

    Have a great day!

  11. stupid! how the h**l are we supposed to know!

  12. the dog buried it in the backyard

  13. You black sunglasses?Oh, Thats an easy one,On earth,


    Dunno, but you'll probably not find them

  14. Did you check the top of your head,glove compartment,that guy you were with,are you blind look right in front of Yahoo

  15. They disappeared in a black hole to join all your mismatched socks  

  16. Check under the couch.

  17. buy a new one

  18. I have it on good authority that gremlins are to blame for this one. They are notorious thiefs. Just take comfort in the fact they didn't steal your thoughts. They have been stealing mind for years. It's called Alzheimer disease and heck I can't even remember what I just wrote. What was the question.  

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