
Psychic Question...?

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Do you beleive in Psychics? cause recently i've been having these weird feelings that seem to warn me about events that are about to happen. like:

#1- i waz in a resturaunt and i had this sudden urge to get out quick. 5 minutes later, someone pulled out a gun and like 5 people were shot.

#2- i waz going to go on hike w/ one of my friends and just as we were walking out the door my concious just told me that i absolutley had to grab my cell phone cause i would need it(i know, if i waz going in the woods i should bring my phone anyway, but i wasn't going to, cause i didnt think i would get lost or something) when me and my friend hiked for about two miles, she fell and broke her leg. and luckily i had my cell phone so i could call someone.

there are a lot more of cases like that, but thoose are the most recent. it really freks me out when i do someting like that, though. so do you beleive in psychic abilities or is it all in my head?




  1. Very interesting experiences!  But are they evidence of psychic ability?  From what you've described, it's not clear that they are. Regarding the first incident, I'd need to know if you were in a bad part of town, in a restuarant known for gang activity, if you had actually observed some suspicious people prior to the shooting, if by coincidence you heard a news story of gun violence in a public place recently, etc. There could be some natural reasons for expecting or at least considering the possibility that violence may occur. Regarding the cell phone, I'm always thinking that something bad may occur if I (or my wife) don't grab our cellphones before we leave. So if we think of something bad happening every time, it's not much of a coincidence when once something bad does occur.

    I could say that it is all in your head, but don't take that to mean that I'm saying you're crazy or something like it. In fact, our minds play tricks on us like this all the time. It's not craziness but merely the natural human brain doing its thing. I don't think you're psychic, but if you feel that you are, start writing and documenting your predictions before they happen. Then when they do, at least you have some documentation to back up what you're saying.

  2. i belive you cuze i have the same expirencies

  3. God loves atheists too. But you're right, it could be something else. Figure out a way of testing your powers. Contact a psychic if need be. Better yet, go to a Catholic priest and see if he can help you find out. You can be an atheist and still consult with a priest. I say a Catholic priest because they are probably better versed in such things than most others.

  4. I would have to maybe chat with you more, but my first impression is that you're probably really tuned into your guides (i.e. guardian angel).

    Odds are likely that you're somewhat clairaudient and can hear them when they 'talk' to you and keep you out of danger, etc.

    Mostly it will sound like (as many people would describe) talking to yourself...but here's a clue: if you can't quite make out the words it more than likely isn't "yourself" doing the talking.

    Many non-physical beings run at a higher vibrational level and if one is sensitive to that higher frequency you can "hear" them.

    You want to be careful if you hear them talk too you could do no wrong, you're the greatest person in the world, etc...that is typically lower energy ("bad energy") trying to get a foothold -- then after you're trusting they start s******g with your thoughts.

    And you're smart enough not to listen if they tell you to do 'bad things'.

    So it's all in your head but it's there for a reason.

    I've been clairaudient since birth so I might know a thing or two. If that isn't enough I'm studying for my PhD in Metaphysical Science.

  5. I would say you are observing well and logical.

    If a person w2ere planning to pull a gun in a crowded room, he would be giving off signals of his anxiety and nerviousness and that guilty look.

    As far as taking a phone on a long hike, it is just common sense telling you that you should take a phone.

    no, god, no sixth sense, just normal observation.

    wat6ch out thinking you are getting signs or you will have a good chance to have OCD. Did I turn off the gas?


  7. All I can say is keep listening.  My mom is the same way.  Pretty cool.

  8. try not feel discouraged by skeptics, please. You are tapping into a great sea of understanding: your intuition. Listen to it, its like a sixth sense we all have, but we cant hear anymore.. but now, you are beginning to be aware of it. Believe it is real, and it will become more real. (not because of self-suggestion, but because this is how this things work).

    It may be a good time to try new things, like meditation, you will be surprised of the results. Good luck.

  9. Intuition is a chemical reaction . Your cells sense a change in the atmosphere. When people act, their cells react, and cells can communicate with other cells in other peoples bodies.

    We are electrical and the slightest change can be felt by our cells.

    Being intuitive means you are the master of your chemistry

    You can work on it to harness that energy to be more precise on your intuition..

  10. we all have intuitions we are all connected in some way shape or form so if u feel as if u and some one else was on the same page of thinking... that explains one way of feeling psychic... another thing is we all have senses some people are stronger then others we are energetic beings u feel static when u rub a balloon thats energy... your energy just might be stronger then someone elses think of it as the bars on a cell phone .:::. they go up and down

  11. Yes, you are psychic, everyone has this ability, its just that some are more sensative than others.  Were all born with many types of psychic abilities.

  12. I don't know if your question is real, but in case it is, please realise that all psychics are fakes.  There is no evidence whatsoever that anyone can predict the future.  If anyone claims otherwise, please just ask them for the evidence.  There is none.


  13. I hope you give TR's answer some thought.I think he's probably right.The alternative is you are developing superpowers.Doesn't that sound a little silly?When you think about it.

  14. My aunt does stuff like this. she was going to lunch and decided to take her address and phone number book with her. after lunch she got hit in her door and then hit head on by another car. when the abulance came she wasn't breathing and was in a coma. when they got her to the hospital they knew who to call because she had the book in her back pocket and had numbers in there as "mom" and "dad" instead of their names.

  15. I think its pretty cool that you get these feelings/warnings, i mean you got saved once and saved your friend, not too sure about psychic...i think you get warnings/messages from God.

  16. I think some people have a sixth sense, or maybe God is just taking care of you, and you stop to listen.  I would certainly continue to do so.  Just let it happen--don't become preoccupied with waiting for instructions before you make a move.   This could turn into OCD.  WOW!

  17. Reality check here:  why don't you see what your senses tell you about picking the winning number for the lottery then, hun?

    Have you had weird feeling, like the urge to leave and then nothing happened?  If your urges are so great, how come it didn't tell you to call the police before, so that some people's life would have been spared?  

    By the was, "was" is not spelled with a "z".  What does you sense tell you about poor syntax?

    Do not see anything beyond mere coincidences.  If not, pretty soon you'll think that there is a god and that he is talking to you, and you'll become totally delusional.

    There is no such thing as psychic power.

  18. sounds like you have really good insincts just go with it because nomatter what is causing this it is helping you  good luck

  19. I think you are more likely sensitive to the collective consciousness. If you saw flashes of what is to happen it would be clairvoyant or heard voices it would be clairaudient, but in your case and other cases, having a feeling you are most likely picking up on others subconscious intentions.  

    As in the case of the gun man, he knew before hand that he would pull the gun; this would be picked up by anyone sensitive to the collective consciousness in the area. And in the second case you could have been picking up your own subconscious, telling you that you are better off with the phone just in case and as it happened your subconscious was right.

    Being able to feel the collective consciousness could be considered being psychic by some people but there have been extensive scientific tests done on the subject that you may want to look up. There is so much research on the subject that you will have to draw your own conclusion on weather you are psychic or not.
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