
Psychic Vampires?

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Well,my boyfriend thinks I'm a Psychic Vampire.

Does anyone know anything about this?Or some good websites that tell you about Psychic Vampires?I know they need energy so they take it from other people but how do you control it?How can you be sure if you are a Psychic Vampire?Can Psychic Vampires give energy to other people?Are you born as a Psychic Vampire or what?Are there Psychic Vampires that don't need the energy but they take it anyway?Also,does anyone know about chakra?Is there a way to stop being a Psychic Vampire?




  1. Ok this whole psychic vampire thing is very simple. You take a person who has never had a friend before and you give them one. Then when they start to feel happy and energised as a result of being with friends they are so confused by these feelings that they think they are some sort of super natural being.

  2. i think your boyfriend is telling you your a polite way lol



  4. Psychic vampires are living people who have the ability, consciously or unconsciously of draining life-energy (prana, chi, life-force …) rather than blood from others.

    Whether this ability was developed through meditation, mentally altering drug usage, or inherited, it can be used by the Psychic Vampire to drain energy for its own use.

    In the words of Anton LaVey, the famous Satanist, "psychic vampires are individuals who drain others of vital energy". As consumers of energy rather than blood, psychic vampires, like their folklore counterparts, can be men or women, young or old.

    Although psychic vampirism seems to be a relatively recent phenomenon, legends about vampire like beings that drain the body of its energy or 'life-force', soul or vitality, who use humans as a means of procreation, predate blood-drinking revenants by thousands of years.

    The term 'psychic vampire' was popularized in the mid-1800s  when members of The Theosophical Society turned their  attention to researching the human psyche, described as the  mind, soul, emotions, and all the other mental processes which  take place within an individual and which are not visible or  measurable in the physical world.

  5. Yeah. I'm basically a psychic vampire, though I don't usually drain people of enough energy for them to notice it. Once in a while, if someone is sensitive to subtle energy, they notice it. A few times I've seen people who I thought I was feeding from act uncomfortable or fall asleep.

    There are ways to control it, but you have to try different methods to see what works for you.

    One of the best things a psi-vamp can do to prevent draining people they live with is to go to heavily populated public places and absorb energy there. Movie theaters, sports events, nightclubs, malls and bookstores work well. Another tactic that might work is sitting out in nature, especially by the ocean, a lake or river. (But not all psi-vamps can get sustainable energy from nature.) Some can control it with meditation and energy exercises, such as drawing energy up from the earth or down from the heavens.

    Just because someone says you're a psychic vampire, that doesn't mean you really are one. It takes some work to figure out these things. You might start by keeping a journal to record when you feel tired or hungry and when you feel energized. See if there are any weird patterns.

    Psychic vampires can learn to give energy just like any other person can learn to do this. Some psi-vamps, like Michelle Belanger, say psychic vampires are more adept at these techniques, because they're subconsciously used to working with energy already. Psi-vamps can help people too. I know 2 real vampires who do Reiki and 2 who suck out energy blockages while doing massage on people.

    There are people who have learned to be psychic vampires, but often these would not be considered "real" vampires, because they don't have an innate need to do it. Real vampires are born with this need to take energy from other people and usually realize it in puberty or adolescence. This is called the Awakening period. Psychic vampires (as opposed to sanguinarian vampires) may also remain unconscious of this ability for their whole lives. They may never realize or accept that they drain other people of energy.

    Do Google searches on [chakra], [aura], and [psychic vampire]. Also read the energy articles on the House Kheperu site I've listed below.

    As far as I know, there is no way to stop being a real vampire. Some energy workers might try to heal the problem, but my guess is that this help will only be temporary. It's probably worth a try, though, if you find someone who thinks they can help.

    Email me if you wish.

    - P.

    p.s. Real psychic vampires are more likely to be charming and to draw people to them, rather than being boring. I've had complete strangers come up to me and start asking me for advice. I probably seem approachable and understanding. I help them as I can, but I also get energized from such interactions.

  6. Yahoo has a group vampire church you should check it out you might can ask and get answers there

  7. If you don't think you are, then there's a good chance you're not.

    If you want to find answers, has most of them. I don't know must about psi's.

    I do know that all vampires are born, not made. The effects usually kick in around the time of puberty. So you can't turn anyone. And there's no way to go back. If you are, then you're stuck with it.

    Best of luck.
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